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时间:2018-11-25 21:05来源:毕业论文

摘要:    最近十年,互联网的飞速发展,给各个行业的企业都带来了巨大的转变。随着信息技术的提升,信息技术在工作中带来了人工不可比拟的便利,使得信息技术在企业的发展中也越来越受重视。30593
毕业论文关键词:    互联网;信息技术;ASP.NET;SQL;人事测评
 Design and Development of Personnel Assessment System
Abstract: Recent years, the rapid development of the Internet, to the various industry enterprises have brought tremendous changes. With the upgrading of information technology, information technology has brought artificial unparalleled convenience at work, making information technology in the development of enterprises are increasing.
However, many small business experience in personnel management and the ability to slightly less than, for this problem, I use ASP.NET technology to develop the company's personnel evaluation system. The reception by the site administrator client and back parts, mainly front desk staff login, modify, evaluation criteria to view personal information, employee evaluation scoring and evaluation results statistics. Department heads to achieve the performance evaluation of staff, as well as the competent leadership performance appraisal. Function to modify the administrator background administrator login, evaluation criteria, and staff management. To achieve the administrator to modify and update employee information maintenance and business evaluation information.
The system uses SQL databases to achieve operating and management background information, replacing the traditional manual evaluation records, greatly improving the efficiency and capacity of small business personnel management.
Keywords:    Internet; Information Technology; ASP.NET; SQL; Personnel Assessment
1    绪论    1
1.1    课题背景    1
1.2    课题目的、意义    1
1.3    全文概述    2
2    系统分析    3
2.1    系统需求分析    3
2.1.1    功能需求    3
2.1.2    界面需求    3
2.1.3    精度需求    3
2.2    系统可行性分析    4
2.2.1    技术可行性    4
2.2.2    经济可行性    4
2.2.3    操作可行性    4
2.3    开发工具介绍    5
2.4    开发技术综述    5
2.5    本章小结    6
3    系统总体设计    7
3.1    网站模块介绍    7
3.2    网站构图说明    8
3.2.1    前台结构    8
3.2.2    后台结构    9 ASP.net+sqlserver人事测评系统的设计与开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_26389.html