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时间:2019-01-12 19:18来源:毕业论文

基于HTML5的飞机大战游戏的设计与实现摘  要:  这是通过微信中的飞机大战游戏的模仿写出的一款基于HTML5的飞机大战的游戏,从腾讯的官方数据了解到这款游戏在微信用户中是十分受欢迎的:由于游戏提供了评分机制,因此在微信用户间的游戏分数比拼十分激烈,而比分数据量越大,所需要做分数管理操作就越是复杂,不过在本系统中不涉及分数的管理操作各方面信息,更多的是游戏的一个实现。微信里的飞机大战是采取一种叫做libgdx的技术实现的,而现在很多人模仿着开发飞机大战,更多时候是采用cocos2d-x技术。本系统采用的是HTML5技术,目的是能够利用前沿技术实现web端的游戏。当然,除了HTML5还有一些其他技术,但是这些技术仅仅是一些大家已经很熟悉的技术因此不做详细介绍。但是要使游戏完美运行起来,就必须将这些技术有效的结合,每种技术都是必不可少,缺一不可的。32643
The Design and Implementation of Aircraft War Game Based on HTML5
Abstract: This is a aircraft war game based on HTML5, developed by imitating the aircraft war game in WeChat. It is proved that the game is being popular with users in WeChat and causing fierce game competition because of the scoring rule. However, while the game score grows, the score management becomes completed for me. So instead of managing all the information included, I pay more attention on the implementation of this game. The aircraft war game in WeChat is developed by libgdx, at the same time, many people are imitating this game by technology cocos2d-x. My gaming system is based on HTML5 which helps a lot to develop web games. Besides HTML5, there are many other technologies which may be familiar to you. To run this game perfectly, they are all needed and need to performed organically.     
This system is designed by traditional way of web design. There is only one ‘index.html’ page for there is no GOTO between pages. We can run this game by browsers, and the pages we see load information we need about css, JavaScript, images and voice by importing them in. At the same time, we get voice and images from web to restore the aircraft war game in WeChat at most.
Keywords: HTML5; WeChat; aircraft war game; web
 目  录
第1章  绪论    1
1.1 问题的提出    1
1.1.1 课题的来源    1
1.1.2 研究课题的动态    1
1.2 课题的内容与意义    2
1.2.1 课题的内容    2
1.2.2 课题的意义    2
第2章  系统可行性及需求分析    3
2.1可行性分析    3
2.1.1经济可行性分析    3
2.1.2技术可行性分析    3
2.1.3操作可行性分析    3
2.2需求分析    3
2.2.1功能需求分析    3
2.2.2性能需求分析    4
2.2.3运行需求分析    4
2.3 项目开发计划    4
2.4 本章小结    4
第3章  系统开发技术介绍    5
3.1 HTML5简介    5
3.2 CSS语言简介    5
3.3 JAVASCRIPT简介    5
3.4开发平台    6 基于HTML5的飞机大战游戏的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_29339.html