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时间:2019-01-24 22:15来源:毕业论文

关键词  数字图像处理;高速公路裂缝;图像增强;二值化;边缘检测
Title   The study on highway crack detection algorithm   
China is a big country in highway mileage,which has exceeded American, ranked first in the world, especially in recent years the rapid growth. However, the highway has also exacerbated the increase we have to face a difficult problem of highway maintenance and repair. Nowadays ,in the expressway of fracture detection,China mainly rely on manual inspection. It not only waste the human resources,but also do harm to the highway operation efficiency and the workers’ safety . Therefore, the development on the system based on the development of digital image processing of the pavement crack real-time automatic detection becomes a kind of inevitable trend.
This paper will make the use of the computer image processing technology, taken on the GPS images or expressway monitoring system image, using MATLAB software which has powerful image for road images in real time processing ability, automatic detection of the cracks of highway, explores the methods of image edge detection algorithm of real-time implementation. In grayscale, binarization based, Comprehensively use the mean filtering, median filtering, Gaussian filtering.By a variety of edge detection test, find the most suitable method.
Keywords  Digital image processing;highway crack;image enhancement; edge detection
 目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景与意义    1
1.2  国内外研究现状    1
1.3   Matlab简介及应用    2
1.4  论文的研究内容和结构    3
2  图像预处理    5
2.1  图像灰度化    5
2.2  图像增强    7
3  裂缝提取    15
3.1  图像二值化    15
3.2  边缘检测    21
结  论    28
致  谢    29
1  绪论
1.1  研究背景与意义
    中国是一个高速公路里程大国,根据官方资料显示,到2014年底,高速公路总里程数已经达到11.2万公里,超越美国跃居全球高速公路里程数最多的国家。可以看出,高速公路对加快国家经济发展起到了关键的作用,显然已经成为衡量一个国家发展增速的重要参数。随着高速公路路基路面的质量监控体系越来越完善,要求的检测水平也越来越高。而高速公路长期暴露在风吹日晒中,长期承受车辆的重压,高速公路的养护和文修已经成为一个刻不容缓的重要难题。车辆在高速公路上行驶,是以一般公路速度的两倍行驶,因此对路面的质量要求更高,当路面出现凹凸、裂缝等状况时,行车安全就会威胁,甚至可能造成严重的生命危险。一直以来,我国检测高速公路路况的手段主要还是人工识别的方法,不但劳动强度大、效率低、检测速度慢、误差较大,不能很好地满足高速公路检测的要求,而且在高速公路上进行人工检测不仅影响高速公路路况而且对检测人员的人身安全也构成威胁。目前,随着 GPS定位技术、图像处理技术[1]的飞速发展,开发新一代的高速公路路面自动检测评估系统成为解放劳动力的一条必经之路。 MATLAB高速公路裂缝检测算法研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_29873.html