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时间:2019-09-25 19:10来源:毕业论文
jsp和数据库sql server2000。用户可以看到实时的剩余座位信息,靠的是动态的更新数据库中保存的座位信息。用户在寻找座位时,可以自主的查找剩余座位信息和座位分布,选择自己喜欢的

本系统主要使用了jsp和数据库sql server2000。用户可以看到实时的剩余座位信息,靠的是动态的更新数据库中保存的座位信息。用户在寻找座位时,可以自主的查找剩余座位信息和座位分布,选择自己喜欢的座位。也可以选择随机分配剩余座位,这种方式一定程度上有利于提高分配座位的速度。座椅显示屏,具有更清晰和直观的界面,让用户更直观的看到所有的剩余座位分布信息,用户体验比较好。在剩余座位查询方面系统做到了非常快速的处理,它更适合于实际简便的条件。本系统的功能,可以解决图书馆占座成为大难题的问题,让更多的学生从学习的各个角度了解到科学和我们的社会。
毕业论文关键词:图书馆;座位管理;JSP; SQL server 2000
Design and Implementation of Holding Seat System for Library
Abstract: In the age of technology, people living with the development of computer technology and universal application, it becomes increasingly easy and smart. As we all know, computer management technology largely save a lot of manpower, but also in terms of management efficiency has a great advantage. Daily life in school, many students spend most of their time in the library, but the library does not have a seat has been plagued by the majority of students, library staff this is nothing, at this time, one can solve Library seating system problem is much needed to be designed. The system is to solve the library occupying a seat, no seat lead to student designed, can effectively solve the problem of seat allocation.
This system is mainly used jsp and database sql server2000. Users can see in real time the remaining seat information, by the dynamic updating of the database information stored in the seat. User in finding a seat, you can customize the look Remaining seats and seat distribution information, choose your favorite seats. You can also select a random distribution of surplus seats, in this way to some extent, help to improve the distribution of seats speed. Seats display with clearer and intuitive interface, allowing users more intuitive to see all the remaining seats distributed information, the user experience better. Remaining seats in the query aspects of the system to do a very quick process, it is more suitable for practical and easy conditions. Function of this system, the library occupying a seat can solve problems become big problems, so that more students to learn science and our society to learn from every angle.
Keywords: Library; seat manage; JSP; SQL Server 2000
   目  录
第1章 绪论    1
1.1研究意义    1
1.2图书馆管理国内外对比    1
1.3系统功能概述以及展望    2
第2章 系统实现基础原理    3
2.1研究需求工具    3
2.2系统原理简介    3
2.2.1简单系统原理    3
2.2.2工具介绍    3
2.3本章小结    4
第3章 需求分析    5
3.1需求分析的基本任务    5
3.1.1功能需求    5
3.1.2性能需求    5
3.1.3可靠性和可用性需求    5 jsp+sqlserver图书馆占座系统的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_39802.html