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时间:2020-07-19 21:23来源:毕业论文

摘要: 该LED 智能控制系统软件采用Java语言编写,通过Android手机平台,基于WIFI连接操作智能操控照明系统。我们家中的各种灯——过道灯、草坪灯、客厅灯、厕所灯、餐厅灯和卧室灯等的一些照明灯开关麻烦,往往需要走过去开关,在某种程度上也造成了操作的不便。在今天,移动端设备的普及已经铺天盖地,我们可以充分利用Android手机平台的开放性,为LED智能控制系统软件设计一款实用又方便的APP。本文主要介绍系统的开发背景,意义,并重点介绍了软件设计的过程。软件方面,用现阶段比较流行的Java语言编程。52667

毕业论文关键词: android;Java;APP;移动终端;软件

the design and development of LED intelligent control system software

Abstract: The LED intelligent control system software uses JAVA language, through mobile phone platform Android, WIFI connection based operating system intelligent lighting control. Our home in a variety of lights - aisle lights, lawn, living room lights, toilet lights, restaurant lights and bedroom lights and other lights switch some trouble, often need to go over switch, to some extent also caused inconvenience to the operation . Today, the popularity of mobile end devices has been overwhelming, we can take advantage of the openness of the Android mobile platform for LED intelligent control system software design a practical and convenient APP. This paper describes the system development background, significance, and focuses on the software design process. Software with stage popular JAVA programming language.

Keywords:android;Java;APP;The mobile terminal; software


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 ii

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景 1

1.2 开发意义 2

1.3 课题研究方案 2

2 Android系统简述 3

2.1 ANDROID系统发展史 3

2.2 ANDROID系统架构 3

2.3 ANDROID系统的优势 4

2.4 ANDROID系统的劣势 5

3 人机交互原理 7

3.1 基本情况 7

3.2 发展历史 7

3.3 未来前景 8

3.4 ANDROID平台上的人机交互 10

4 软件功能与代码的分析与设计 12

4.1 主界面 12

4.1.1  主界面的设计规则..13

4.1.2  主界面的设计..17

4.2 WIFI 20

4.2.1  WIFI功能简述20

4.2.2  WIFI的调用、查询与储存..13 android的LED智能控制系统软件设计与开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_56644.html
