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时间:2017-06-07 18:06来源:毕业论文
论文旨在设计开发一个适合中小企业的企业客户信息管理系统 ,使企业应用客户关系管理的理念,提高企业的客户关系管理水平

摘 要:客户信息管理强调以客户为中心,企业的活动围绕客户展开。本论文旨在设计开发一个适合中小企业的企业客户信息管理系统 ,使企业应用客户关系管理的理念,提高企业的客户关系管理水平。本文根据中小企业特点,结合对CRM理论及相关技术的研究和对系统的需求分析,确定了系统的实现方案。本文设计的系统采用Browser/Server三层体系结构模式进行设计。该系统应用Microsoft SQL Server 2000 作为数据库服务器,采用Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2008 作为开发平台,使用C#语言进行应用程序的开发,应用ADO.NET技术实现在Internet上高效数据库通信。结合开发系统的需求特点,确定了CRM系统功能模块和业务流程,完成了系统总体功能设计和各子系统的详细功能设计。本文CRM系统设计实现了客户资源管理、客户发展管理、客户服务管理、分析决策管理、基础配置管理五个子系统。本文设计实现的CRM系统可运行在Windows XP操作系统上, 并进行了系统的实验室测试,运行良好。9826
关键词:客户关系管理  ADO.NET  ASP.NET  存储过程
The enterprise customer information management system
ABSTRACT:Customer Relationship Management stresses the customers as center, and all work of enterprises are surrounding customers. The Customer Relationship Management system which could befit small and medium-sized enterprises is developed. The enterprises apply the idea of Customer Relationship Management to improve the management level of the enterprises. Using the theory and development technology of CRM system and the analysis of the system demand, the project for effectuating the system is established according to the characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises. The system is designed with Browser/Server model of the three-tier architecture. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is adopted as background database, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2008is adopted as developing tool, C# is adopted as developing language and ADO.NET application technology is adopted as the efficient Internet database access. According to the characteristics of system requirement,the functional model of the CRM system is established, the business process, the overall system function structure and subsystem detailed function structure are  designed. The CRM system is designed into 5 subsystems: Customer Resource Management Subsystem, Customer Development Management Subsystem, Customer Service Management Subsystem, Analysis Decision Management Subsystem, and Configuration Management Subsystem. Analysis and decision algorithm is studied and 3 assessment algorithms: Factors impact assessment algorithm, Performance Assessment Algorithm and Complaints assessment algorithm are designed. Using these algorithms in the system, assessment analysis of the reasons for the loss of customers, employee performance assessment analysis, customer complaint assessment analysis etc are achieved, which can provide the analysis decision basis for the enterprise decision. The concrete function of every subsystem is developed according to the principle of system design. The technology of stored procedure is studied, and the stored procedure is utilized to efficiently and flexibly operate database, to improve the system operating efficiency. In this paper, the CRM system can be run on Windows2000/2003/XP operating system. It is debugged in laboratory and runs well.
KEY WORDS: CRM; ADO.NET; Analysis and decision algorithm; stored procedur
 目  录
摘 要:    I
1 绪论    2
1.1课题概述    2
1.1.1 课题来源    2
1.1.2 课题背景及意义    2
1.2 CRM国内外研究现状及其发展趋势    3
1.2.1 CRM国外研究现状    3
1.2.2 CRM国内研究现状    3 ASP.net企业客户信息管理系统CRM设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_8661.html