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时间:2018-03-23 15:55来源:毕业论文

热轧部分主要采用上海宝钢集团有限公司的热轧生产设备,穿孔设备采用上海宝钢精密钢管厂114机组的100 穿孔机,该种穿孔机轧辊具有碾轧角和前进角,锥形轧辊的直径沿穿孔出口方向逐渐加大,该种穿孔机特点是穿孔效率高,由于锥形工作辊及其碾轧角,改善了金属的变形及运动学条件,可穿轧出内部缺陷少、表面质量好、同心度和壁厚均匀性高的毛管,并且工具消耗少,可实现大延伸、大扩径量穿孔。在工艺制度制定的过程中,需要定出一系列的变形制度、加热制度、速度制度以及轧制节奏等工艺问题,同时进行力能参数的计算,计算最大的轧制压力和轧制力矩,校核咬入、轧辊强度和电机能力。
关键词:  异型管;热轧;冷拔;工艺设计
 Design Instruction
The task of graduation design is to design reference to the production process of 52×52-50.6×¢27mm304 Special tube, to install the necessarily assistant equipments, and meanwhile. Shanghai Baosteel Tube Co., Ltd. , a senior domestic manufacturers of steel pipes, has mature technology and production capacity. The significance of this design is to cultivate their independent ability to complete the design process and can provide a reference to the production of this product.
The production of cold drawing seamless tube takes the process of hot rolling + cold drawing. Forming to prduce size in the part of hot rolling and then producing tubes with less times cold drawing.
Hot-roll production equipments in Shanghai Baosteel Tube Co., Ltd. are used in the part of hot rolling. perforation equipment takes the 100 puncher of Baosteel precision steel pipe unit 114 in Shanghai Baosteel Tube Co., Ltd., with the species puncher roll angle and crushed rolling forward angle. Tapered roller diameter along the direction of perforation exports gradually increases, which causes high efficiency of puncher piercing and Improves metal deformation and kinematic conditions. It also can roll out the capillary with internal fewer defects, surface quality and concentricity thickness uniformity, lead to less consumption of tools , and can achieve great extension and the expanding volume of perforation. During making process systems, a set of deformation system, heating system, rolling speed system and rolling rhythm should be decided, simultaneously parameters of the calculation of the maximum pressure and rolling moment, checking biting, Roll strength and motor ability. 52×52-50.6×¢27mm304异形管工艺设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_11652.html