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时间:2023-01-07 21:20来源:毕业论文



Abstract    This paper mainly introduces the design of special machine for boring and milling rudder flange blade surface and hole。 In this machine can finish boring and reaming, milling and grinding, etc。 multi-channel processes, production efficiency and precision are improved greatly, and improve the machining precision and stability, and save social resources。 According to the design requirements, to determine the horizontal spindle layout scheme, first of the spindle box design, determine the parameters and transmission scheme of machine tool; on the other two drive chain design; finally carries on the design to the bed, which comprises a support, guide rail, a lead screw design and selection, positioning of motor and spindle box, screw and nut connection aspects。 The machine has the advantages of correct principle, high processing precision, high processing efficiency, reduce labor intensity, greatly shorten the processing time and reduce the cost of processing。 Avoid the shortcomings of the trouble and the accuracy of the artificial participation (clamp and cutter, grinding, test, etc。) to ensure, through the sensor to the pure mechanical operation。 Because the machine itself has no special fixture, the rudder blade is moved to a processing position through the marking adjustment and Jack tools, so after a simple adjustment, can be modified for other special machine tool for processing of other large parts of the flange or a hole is the machine tool has the very high practical value and significance of generalization。

Keywords:special purpose machine tool,ball screw,rudder,flange face

目     录

第一章 绪论

1。1 本课题研究背景 1

1。2 选题的目的和意义 1

1。3 国内外现状及存在的问题 2

1。4 本文的主要研究内容 3

第二章 舵叶加工专用机床方案的确定 4

2。1 舵叶的加工要求 4

2。2 方案的确定 4

   2。2。1进给部分的方案确定 4

   2。2。2整体方案的设计 6           

2。3方案的最终阐述 8

第三章 舵叶加工专用机床传动机构的设计 铣镗舵叶法兰面及孔的专用机床设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_121549.html
