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时间:2023-01-07 21:08来源:毕业论文
ANASYS+6L21/31柴油机连杆结构强度分析。船用柴油机6L21/31连杆作为研究对象,在ANASYS 14.5 Workbench中的Design Modeler三维建模模块对简化后的连杆进行实体建模


本文选用船用柴油机6L21/31连杆作为研究对象,在ANASYS 14。5 Workbench中的Design Modeler三维建模模块对简化后的连杆进行实体建模,并在ANSYS Workbench中的Static Structural(静力分析)模块对其进行剖分网格,定义边界,根据实际情况,定义接触,并根据各工况下连杆的受力的情况,对连杆施加载荷,然后在装配工况、最大拉伸工况和最大压缩工况下对其进行有限元分析,获得连杆组件的应变与应力云图,并对三种工况下的分析结果作对比,得到连杆组件在各工况下的联系。

毕业论文关键字:柴油机; 连杆; 有限元; 静态分析

Abstract Invention of diesel engine has a history of one hundred years。After the one hundred years of development and perfection,nowadays,the diesel engine has been applied in many fields。However,with the worldwide energy crisis and the new energy challenge ,diesel engine’s strength and stiffness is the foundation of the higher requirement in new period。As one of the core parts of moving part in the diesel engine ,the performance and benchmark of connecting rod is directly related to the life of diesel engines ,so this is one of research focuses in diesel for a long time。Nowadays with the develop of the ACE technology and the popularity of computer,the speed of the finite element software development is rapid。and now it is a essential method used in the development and optimization of product in engineering field。Nowadays,the finite element static analysis of connecting rod has been perfect,and will be more and more accuracy。

In this paper, 6L 21/31 type of marine diesel engine connecting rod is as research object。First building the simplified connecting rod 3-D solid model in ANSYS 14。5Workbench Design modeler。and then meshing and setting the boundary condition and the applied load and setting up the contact according to the actual situation in ANSYS Workbench Static Structural。The finite element analysis is considered on the assembly condition ,the maximum tensile condition and the maximum pressure condition。and getting the strain and stress cloud,finally,comparing the three conditions of results,getting the distribution of the stress distribution in the process of connecting rod movement。

Keyword:diesel engine;connecting rod;the finite element;static analysis

目  录

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 引言 1

1。2国内外研究现状 2

1。2。1连杆有限元静态分析 2

1。2。2连杆有限元动态分析 3

1。2。3连杆的有限元结构优化 4

1。3本文的主要研究内容 4

第二章 连杆结构强度分析的基本理论 5

2。1有限元基本理论 5

2。2软件介绍 8

第三章 连杆6L21/31连杆的结构强度计算 ANASYS+6L21/31柴油机连杆结构强度分析:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_121544.html
