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时间:2024-04-25 22:41来源:95228





Abstract:Offshore oil, natural gas, wind energy and other resources are inseparable from the exploitation of offshore structures, there are many types of offshore structures.  In  this  paper, we  will  mainly  discuss  the  strength  checking  of  two offshore structures of the jack-up offshore platform and the jacket support structure of the offshore wind turbine. Due to wind load, wave load, and current load directly on these offshore structures, it is necessary to carry out the strength analysis of these structures at the time of design and construction to ensure their safe operation.

In this paper, SESAM / GeniE, a marine engineering software developed by DNV, is used to build the finite element model of the jack-up platform and the finite element model of the jacket support structure of the offshore wind turbine    according to the relevant drawing data. Based on the Stokes' fifth order wave theory, the current load acting on the component is calculated by the Morrison equation. The overall  strength  of  the  jack-up  platform  under  normal  operating  conditions    and survival  condition  is  checked  according  to  the  relevant  specifications, and   the strength of the beam element of the jack-up platform and jacket supporting structure is checked according to the relevant specification .

According to the analysis,the strength of these structures meets the requirements and the connection between the pile and the main hull is a high stress region of the jack-up platform, and needs to be strengthened locally. The force of the wind turbine jacket support structure at the connection between the upper tower and the jacket and the bottom of the pile is large, and the beam elements at these locations need to be strengthened.

Key words: jack-up platform; wind turbine; jacketed support structure; finite element; structural strength analysis


第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景以及意义 1

1.2国内外研究动态 2

1.2.1自升式平台的强度分析研究动态 2

1.2.2近海风机导管架支撑结构的强度分析研究动态 5
