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时间:2024-05-14 22:10来源:95385




Abstract:Mold manufacturing is a very important part of modern industry, it can be said that the core of the machinery manufacturing process, a variety of parts from design to forming products, mold in which played a huge role, with the mold technology continues to mature and perfect, and then Coupled with the industrial areas of the product requirements are getting higher and higher, the mold is also moving in a more precise direction. And multi-station progressive die due to efficient and convenient, with other molds difficult to compare the advantages.

This paper mainly introduces the design of progressive die for sheet metal parts of computerized optical drive. Before designing the mold, the structure of the sheet metal is analyzed in detail. Secondly, the three-dimensional modeling of the optical drive cover is carried out by UG. Dimensional model to get the design of the required parameters of information, and then based on the information to draw the mold design sketch, analysis of the mold application may be some of the problems, according to these problems to optimize the mold, the final design of the mold, This mold design in the general process. Whether the mold structure design of sheet metal parts is reasonable depends on the quality of the parts and the production efficiency of the enterprise. In order to make the mold designed in this paper meet the requirements of the parts production, CAD and  UG drawing software are used in the design to simulate and use the three- Modeling more intuitive to analyze and understand the machined parts of the external dimensions and structural characteristics, optimize the design, and ultimately completed the sheet metal mold design.

Keywords:UG NX8.0; Progressive die; sheet metal; mould design

第一章绪论 1

1.1钣金的基本内容 1

1.2钣金件的特性 1

1.3钣金件的加工流程 1

1.4钣金材料 2

1.5钣金件成形分析 3

1.6钣金加工的发展与应用 3

1.7论文的研究目的与内容 4

第二章 UG8.0在钣金设计中的应用 6

2.1UG简介 6

2.2UG的优势 电脑硬盘支架钣金件的级进模设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_203835.html
