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时间:2024-05-14 22:13来源:95386




Abstract:With the development of society and the demand of machinery manufacturing products, the use of forging in production practice is becoming more and more extensive. Upsetting is an important part of forging free forging and plays an indispensable role in production and manufacturing. In the production, usually only upsetting  the workpiece with a diameter ratio of less than 3, for the workpiece with a height to diameter ratio greater than 3, the general upsetting can not be achieved, there will be instability phenomenon, that is, the workpiece early bending To the production and manufacturing has brought a lot of trouble.

The design of this paper is to solve the phenomenon of large diameter ratio upsetting instability, through the design of a reasonable program to design a set of special upsetting large diameter ratio of the workpiece die, has reached the purpose of preventing instability. The design of the paper will be used to achieve the use of cold extrusion upsetting in the mold will use a punch will slowly squeeze the workpiece into the concave mold cavity to achieve the desired parts, In this design, you need to use Pro / E software to draw the mold you need to design, and then put the mold into DEFORM-3D for simulation, in order to find the mold in the unreasonable and a variety of defects, The need to modify and improve the original mold, which further makes the mold more perfect and more suitable for the production and practical needs, to achieve value for money purposes.

Keywords: Large diameter ratio;Instability;Cold extrusion;Simulation simulation

第一章 绪论 1

1.1锻造简述 1

1.2模锻的分类及镦粗的概述 1

1.3冷挤压的概述 1

1.4大高径比镦粗的国内研究 2

1.5Pro/E简介及应用 3

1.6DEFORM简介及其操作步骤 3

1.7本文主要内容 5

第二章 防失稳镦粗模具方案确定 6

2.1镦粗方式的选择及模具设计简明流程 6

2.2零件与坯料分析计算 7

2.2.1材料的公艺性分析 7

2.2.2坯料尺寸 大高径比镦粗防失稳模具结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_203836.html
