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时间:2024-07-16 22:30来源:95884



Abstract:The container is used with two terminal mechanical components proposed in recent years, the container used as the research object to the ball screw, based on nonlinear factors on the influence mechanism of inerter force flow propagation process, considering the nonlinear mechanical model of friction container used in ball screw and screw elastic effect. This paper introduces the improved design of the inertial container, which uses the container to absorb the traditional dynamic vibration of the body. A new suspension structure called the ISD suspension, consisting of three parts: the inertia, the spring, and the damper, has been created. The dual mass vibration model with ISD suspension is considered. The optimized parameters are obtained by genetic algorithm, and the mechanical response characteristics under different excitations are studied. The results of simulation and test of the output force of the container are analyzed and compared. Through the frequency domain simulation can be done ISD suspension can effectively improve the vibration absorbing performance of suspension system, compared with passive suspension, the suspension has better damping performance of ISD, this paper proves the improved design of the ISD suspension is successful.

Key words: Inertia container; suspension structure; parameter optimization;vehicle; comfort


第一章绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2研究背景 1

1.3惯容器介绍及研发历程 2

1.4国内外研究现状及存在问题 5

1.5本文主要研究内容及研究步骤 5

1.6本章小结 6

第二章振动的应用 7

2.1振动力学在工程中的应用 7

2.2相关软件的现状与发展 7

2.3本章小结 9

第三章建模与参数优化 10

3.1车辆悬架系统的简单介绍 10

3.2仿真与建模 11

3.3参数优化 15

3.4本章小结 17

第四章图像分析 18

4.1位移、速度时间历程图 18

4.1.1 引言 18

4.1.2 位移、速度时间历程图 ISD惯容器车辆悬架系统的减振性能研究:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204300.html
