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时间:2024-07-23 21:14来源:95965



Abstract:An amphibious pipe detection robot is composed of six parts: frame component, land moving component, water moving component, wheel lifting component, opening and closing board opening and closing assembly and camera assembly. The amphibious pipe detection robot can move in a pipe that dries or contains large amounts of water, and takes an image of the pipe to be detected. The robot can turn freely when it moves within the pipe. The design of a amphibious pipe detection robot to facilitate the dry or contain a lot of water pipeline defects detection, reducing the pipe wall detection of artificial work, improve the efficiency of the detection pipeline defects, to adapt to a wide range of changes in diameter. The amphibious pipeline detection robot not only overcomes the existing pipeline detection technology in the detection of robots inside the pipeline slippage, for the image acquisition camera height can not be adjusted, the pipeline detection robot can not be in some pipe paragraphs contain a lot of water under the conditions It is possible to cope with the shortage of water and land working mode switching in a fully dry pipe and a pipe containing a large amount of water and timely depending on the specific operation of the pipe to be detected.

Keywords:Amphibious; Pipeline detection; Robot; Land and sea mode switching


第一章绪论 1

1.1概述 1

1.2选题意义 1

1.3选题背景 2

1.3.1国外背景 3

1.3.2国内背景 4

第二章两栖管道探测机器人方案设计 6

2.1两栖管道探测机器人工况分析 6

2.2两栖管道探测机器人设计要求 6

2.3两栖管道探测机器人设计方案 6

2.3.1框架组件 6

2.3.2陆路移动组件 7

2.3.3水路移动组件 7

2.3.4车轮升降组件 7

2.3.5开合板开合组件 8

2.3.6摄像组件 9

2.3.7传感器组件 9

第三章两栖管道探测机器人选材、选型 11

3.1框架组件 11

3.2陆路移动组件 11

3.3水路移动组件 两栖管道探测机器人机械结构设计+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204355.html
