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时间:2024-07-23 21:28来源:95966





Abstract:Pipeline robots are widely used in energy, environmental protection and related fields. In recent years, with the growing energy consumption of marine energy, as well as sewage discharge and treatment more and more attention by the state, the use of the pipeline is increasing, the use of pipelines will bring the pipeline detection, cleaning, repair and other issues, in the longer length Small pipes, the reliability of human resources is not the best solution, the demand for a variety of pipeline robots growing, structural performance requirements are getting higher and higher.

In this paper, the structure of a creep-type pipeline detection robot is designed. The model is calculated by three-dimensional and two-dimensional software. The rigidity and strength of the key structure are calculated and the important parts are analyzed by finite element analysis. To optimize.

In this paper, the development status of pipeline robots at home and abroad is analyzed and summarized. According to the requirements of the project, the robot is adsorbed on the upper part of the pipeline by the negative pressure adsorption method. Through the track structure, the speed difference between the two belts can reach the turning target and the design can be 360 ° The pipeline to shoot, to detect the purpose. The design of the pipeline detection robot can greatly speed up the detection efficiency of the pipeline, and a good solution to the bottom of the pipeline water and dirt accumulation problem.

Key words: Pipe robot; negative pressure type; structural design; 3D model


第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2管道机器人结构优化设计的研究现状与发展 1

1.3管道机器人的特点 3

1.4管道机器人所带来的机遇与挑战 3

1.5本章小结 4

第二章爬行式管道检测机器人的结构设计 5

2.1机器人的摄像组件结构 5

2.1.1摄像组件方案选择及工作原理 5

2.1.2摄像头及舵机等零件选型 9

2.2机器人的移动组件结构 10

2.2.1移动组件方案选择及工作原理 10

2.2.2电机选择 14

2.2.3传动零部件选择 15
