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时间:2024-07-30 21:46来源:96097






Abstract:The hydraulic handling robot is an automatic operation device that mimics the finger and arm movements of a person and is used to grasp and carry the workpiece in a fixed line on the production line to solve the handling operation between the conveyor belt and the two conveyor belts. It is used to replace the heavy labor to achieve the production of automation and mechanization, for high-risk operation to effectively protect the safety of people, it is widely used in machinery manufacturing, electronics, light industry and other workplace. At present, the robot has more and more functions, in a number of areas have been used.

The design is designed to achieve the handling of the production line of five-degree- of-freedom hydraulic manipulator. The paper analyzes the main structure of the manipulator, and then analyzes the driving force and driving torque of the arm, wrist and finger of the manipulator, and then analyzes the main structure of the manipulator with the knowledge of the manipulator and the knowledge of the manipulator. Detailed design calculations, and drawing the necessary drawings, including the assembly map and some structural parts of the parts map.

Secondly, according to the robot arm stretching, lifting, horizontal rotation mechanism, the finger clamping mechanism of the driving force and driving torque, the hydraulic components of the design calculation, including the hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic motor technical parameters, and then the hydraulic cylinder piston rod strength Check, and check the bending stability. Finally, the design of a complete hydraulic system, including the determination of the basic hydraulic circuit and the selection of hydraulic components, and draw the hydraulic system diagram.

The design basically reached the expected requirements, to achieve a smooth robot, fast grasping the workpiece, simple structure, suitable for the production line for the handling of the workpiece.

Keywords: manipulator;handling mechanism;hydraulic system;multiple degress of freedom

第一章绪论 1

1.1选题背景及其意义 1

1.2工业机器人的应用与发展 1

1.2.1工业机器人的应用 多自由度液压搬运机械手+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204403.html
