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时间:2018-11-09 17:20来源:毕业论文

Title Measurement evaluation and error analysis  the
 system control precision of launcher        
Whether artillery firing device or rocket launchers, in the factory inspection standards, control accuracy is an important standard. The control precision of rocket is when it hit the target; artillery shells can accurately hit the target the decisive factor. As a result, the rockets system control precision of measurement is an important index to produce the current rockets detection. Methods adopted in the engineering field have seed, through searching and reading the control precision of the existing method of measuring data, understand the control precision of the existing measuring methods mainly include: double transit measuring method, total station measuring method and measurement quadrant. Principle each are not identical, they also have their respective advantages and disadvantages and applicable scope, and through the experiment to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various measuring methods and scope of application, at the same time, the software program algorithm processing experimental data, a further analysis of various kinds of measurement error.
Keywords System control precision; rockets; Method of measurement; Program algorithm; error analysis
目   次
1  引言    1
1.1  研究背景和目的意义    1
1.2  国内外研究现状    2
1.3  本文主要研究的内容和创新点    5
1.4  拟采用的研究手段    6
1.5  各章节的内容    7
1.6  本章小结    7
2  各测量系统的测量原理    8
2.1  仪测量系统    8
2.2  基于固定目标式调炮精度测量系统    12
2.3  单全站仪调炮精度测量系统    13
3  实验测量和记录    16
3.1  经纬仪的构造与原理    16
3.2  实验过程    19
3.3  实验数据    22
4  实验数据处理和调炮精度计算程序编制    24
4.1  数据处理    24
4.2  VB程序算法    25
4.3  实验结论    29
结  论    30
致  谢    31
参 考 文 献    32
附录A  调炮精度VB程序设计与源代码    34
1  引言
1.1  研究背景和目的意义
当今世界,各国军队对于可以沿着预定飞行轨道打击目标或者依靠某种追踪机制可以对活动目标进行攻击的导弹非常青睐并且对其有了一定的研究。尽管,新型武器系统如雨后春笋般崛起,但是火箭炮这种武器并没有因此被人们所遗忘而带出历史的舞台。火箭炮是一种设有制导系统或者飞行姿态简易控制的地面压制型武器,它是能对大面积区域进行瞬间密集火力攻击的有效攻击武器。在屡次世界大战中,火箭炮作为一种高效损伤,远距离攻击武器展现出了其在战争中的强大威力。 发射装置调炮精度测量方法评价与误差分析:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_25573.html