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时间:2017-03-04 13:58来源:毕业论文
(3) In the modern manufacturing process, information not only manufacturing industries have become dominated the decisive factor, but also the most active ones. Manufacturing information systems to im

(3) In the modern manufacturing process, information not only manufacturing industries have become dominated the decisive factor, but also the most active ones. Manufacturing information systems to improve throughput of modern manufacturing has become a focus of scientific development. The manufacturing information system organization and structure required to create information access, integration and integration show three-dimensional in nature, measuring the multidimensional nature of the information, and information organizations nature. Information structure models in the manufacturing, manufacturing information consistency constraint, and the dissemination of data processing and the manufacture of enormous knowledge base management, and other areas, there is a need to further breakthroughs.
(4) The calculation of the wisdom of artificial intelligence tools and methods in the manufacture of a wide range of applications for manufacturing smart development. Category based on the calculation of biological evolution algorithms smart tools, including activation issues optimize GPS technology portfolio by growing concern is in the manufacture of the complete portfolio optimization problems combined speed and precision of GPS issues both in size constraints. Manufacturing wisdom manifested in the following aspects : wisdom activation, wisdom design, intelligent processing, robotics, intelligent control, intelligent process planning, smart diagnostic, and other aspects.   These innovative products are the key theoretical issues, but also by creating a door for a science skills in the important basic issues. The focus in these issues, we can form the basis of product innovation research system.
1 前言

当然在钻床中夹具的设计也是至关重要的,由于夹具设计过程的随机因素较多,目前仍有许多企业沿用传统的设计方法来完成,即由经验丰富的工艺人员人工设计(或借助二文CAD设计)。很显然,这种设计方法在很大程度土受夹具设计者的经验和知识水平的限制,且设计周期长,设计效率低,劳动强度大,已不适应现代制造技术。因此,开发出实用的计算机辅助夹具设计系统是解决这一间题的重要方法和手段。计算机辅助设计可以分为概念设计、技术设计和详细设计三个阶段。概念设计是计算机辅助夹具设计中最关键的一个环节,它影响着后续的技术设计和详细设计,是决定夹具方案优劣的重要阶段。由于钻铣削加工切削用量及切削力较大,加工时易产生振动,因此设计钻铣床夹具时应注意:夹紧力要足够且反行程自锁;夹具的安装要准确可靠,即安装及加工时要正确使用定向键、对刀装置;夹具体要有足够的刚度和稳定性,结构要合理 法兰φ10孔钻削专机设计说明书+CAD图纸(3):http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_3717.html