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时间:2020-04-23 20:10来源:毕业论文
STM32F405为主控芯片采用德国Keil 公司开发的MDK软件作为编译环境,分别确定底盘、云台、发射和机械臂模块的控制方案,并编写程序进行调试,然后进行整车程序的整合、调试




在软件方面,采用德国Keil 公司开发的MDK软件作为编译环境,分别确定底盘、云台、发射和机械臂模块的控制方案,并编写程序进行调试,然后进行整车程序的整合、调试。


关键词  RoboMasters  工程车  STM32F405   控制系统


Title    The control system design of intelligent robotic   Engineering vehicle based on RoboMasters                                               


In the background of RoboMasters, the hardware and software of the Engineering vehicles in RoboMasters are designed in this thesis.

For functions of Engineering vehicles required by RoboMasters, this thesis introduces the structure and function modules of the Engineering vehicles, and determines the ways to achieve these functions in both hardware and software.

In terms of hardware, we choose STM32F405 as the main control chip and design schematic for each function module around STM32F405. Then we build circuits to do tests and last draw the PCB as the Engineering vehicle control board;

In terms of software, we choose MDK developed by Keil company as the compilation environment, determines the control plans of underpan cradle head emission and 

mechanical arm. Then we write programs to debug, and last integrate the whole program.

In the end, we introduce the experiment and the simulation of the firing speed and voltage converter module. Both of then are the key parts of control system. 

Keywords  RoboMasters  Engineering vehicles  STM32F405   Control system

目  次

1  绪论 1

1.1  选题背景 1

1.2  移动机器人的发展及国内外研究现状 2

1.3 本课题研究内容 3

2  总体方案设计 4

2.1  大赛对英雄机器人的功能要求及限定 4

2.2  英雄机器人的机械结构总体概述 5

2.3  英雄机器人的电气结构总体概述 9

2.4  处理器模块 10

2.5  遥控器模块 12

2.6  运动控制与执行模块 12

2.7  通信模块 18

2.8  反馈模块 19

2.9  本章小结 19

3  英雄机器人控制系统硬件设计 21

3.1  主控板电路设计 21

3.2  L298N驱动电路 27

3.3  电源板电路的设计 RoboMasters的智能机器人工程车设计+PCB电路图:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_50350.html
