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时间:2020-05-23 16:46来源:毕业论文





This paper describes the segmented machinery fitting design process of the side of the 35200DWT bulk carrier in cabin.this course mainly pided into the following steps: First, collect all useful information of the whole section for design, second, layout this area in a logical way after know the design specifications well. Planning is finished,To use the TRIBON software choosing the type and building the models.Once more,according to  the planning chart to design the pipe and outfitting equipment models. At last harmonize all models of the area with other departments, and modify all which needed. This make the pipe system and outfititem more perfect.Finally,according to the model which were after coordinating to draw the related chart in the TRIBON software.

Throughout the design process,I constantly need to account of the rationality and economic of field installation, the construction issues at the design stage and design the pipe and outfititem relating to the actual processing capacity of factory. Through these requirements to maximize savings production and processing costs and accelerating the overall progress of the project.

Keywords: Prophase planning;Production design;Comprehensive lofting;Chart drawing;Professional coordination

目  录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究课题的意义 1

1.2 船舶机装生产设计的现状和趋势 2

1.3 船舶生产设计的内容和过程 3

1.4 课题研究的内容和方法 4

1.5 本章小结 5

第二章 35200吨散货船212分段机装的前期规划 6

2.1 35200吨散货船的主要性能 6

2.1.1船舶概况 6

2.1.2主要参数 6

2.2相关舱室分布及设备简介 7

2.3机装的整体前期规划 9

2.4本章小结 14

第三章35200吨散货船212分段管系的生产设计 15

3.1管子的选用原则 15

3.2管路的管材选择 15

3.2.1管材的外径计算 15

3.2.2管材的壁厚计算 16

3.3管路布置的基本规范 17

3.4运用TRIBON软件进行管系放样 18

3.4.1管系放样 18

3.4.2管系的连接件的设计 35200DWT散货船机舱船侧部分分段机装生产设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_52489.html
