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时间:2020-06-13 14:51来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键字:图书馆 图书自动存取 机器人

Abstract This paper describes a books retrieval and return robot and it aims to achieve the automation of retrieval and return of books. The use of this robot can replace the person to complete the work to retrieval and return books, which can reduce the work pressure of the librarian. The automation of the books retrieval and return robot can significantly improve the efficiency of work to provide better service. Combine the library information management system, library automated storage retrieval system and logistics, the developed automated library access device will not only to meet the needs of elderly readers, but also conducive to protect the books Therefore, research and develop a books retrieval and return robot is a social and economic value of research projects.

The thesis focus on the robot design of the mechanical structure, firstly a three moving mechanism which use two separate drive is determined, and select the appropriate motor; Then the Cartesian coordinate manipulator mechanism is determined to be the manipulator mechanism, and select the ball screw linear actuators to be the robotic linear actuator mechanism. The third step is to determine the end-effector, the design of the end-effector include the choice of opening and closing cylinder、telescopic cylinder and rotating cylinder. Finally using PRO/E to modeling for the main components.

Key words : library , automatic books access , robot


第一章绪论 1

1.1选题的背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3论文的主要研究内容 2

第二章 图书自动存取机器人总体方案设计 3

2.1移动机构方案的确定 3

2.2图书馆自动存取机器人存取机构的比较和选择 4

2.2.1机械手机构方案确定 5

2.2.2线性执行器方案选择 5

2.3末端执行机构的方案选择 7

2.4驱动方案选择 9

2.5本章小结 10

第三章图书自动存取机器人机械结构设计 12

3.1末端执行机构设计 12

3.2直角坐标机械手机构 16

3.3图书自动存取机器人移动平台机械结构设计 19

3.4本章小结 PRO/E图书自动存取机器人的设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_54191.html
