Abstract In the cutting process, cutting tool in cutting the workpiece, hand cut cutting, hand tool would be damaged, and the cutting edge because its special location, often become the most easily damaged parts, the blade will wear or damage, like this, not only the processing precision size the effects of a serious, will also affect the quality of the machined surface, may also be caused by more serious damage of different degree on the lathe, therefore, whether academic or production of life, to find a more reasonable cutter blade is already imminent thing, and there are many researchers proceed the experimental study of various. In the former research, many researchers in order to facilitate, often will tip shape abstract ideal sharp, but in the actual cutting process, cutting edge occurs soon wear extent in force, thermal, chemical and the impact of various factors, there is no ideal sharp tip.
This paper based on the finite element analysis tool for different blade simulation of the cutting process. Analysis of temperature, heat, cutting force and other factors on the impact of the cutting edge in the cutting process, the cutting edge of different shape changes in the cutting process, and then improve the optimization of cutter blade, improve tool life, improve the surface quality,improve production.efficiency.
Keywords:cutting edge;Finite element;cutting force;temperature
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 刀具磨损形式 1
1.3 研究综述 2
1.4 本论文研究内容 7
第二章 deform-2d软件建模及有限元分析 8
2.1 Deform-2d软件介绍 8
2.2 利用Deform-2d软件建模分析 9
2.2.2 网格划分和边界条件 12
2.2.3 材料属性 14
2.2.4 刀屑界面摩擦模型 14
第三章 仿真结果 16
3.1 切削力 16
3.2 切削温度 19
3.3 机理分析 24
第四章 结论 28
致谢 29 Deform基于有限元分析的刀具刃形优化:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_56183.html