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时间:2020-10-30 19:55来源:毕业论文





Abstract Shipbuilding industry is a modern and comprehensive industry, it provides technical equipment for a variety of industries, such as water transportation industry, the development of the industry and the development of national defense industry. It is not only a large amount of capital investment, and labor, technology intensive. Modern shipbuilding industry also plays a leading role in the development of various industries, such as mechanical and electrical industry, chemical industry, iron and steel industry, shipping and marine resources exploration and mining industry. These basic industries cannot do without the shipbuilding industry. Because of this role in the shipbuilding industry to other industries, it is of great significance for stimulating employment, development trade and protect the livelihood of the people of defense.

Shipbuilding is shipbuilding core of a ring, with heavy workload and more types of work, the manufacturing cycle is long, etc, need a continuous improvement of the system to take all factors into consideration. Hull production design, as an integral part of the ship construction, is a combination of textbook theory and practical production. A good production design can not only reduce the workload, avoid some unnecessary difficulties in the work, but also can shorten the construction cycle, save production costs.

This time, all I did was 27500 liquefied gas bottom side tank 401 PS production design work, combined with previous the same type of ship's production design, to complete the production design work of this section, Early know hull design in detail, and then complete the production of 401 PS bottom tank section design work. This section is the double bottom, double side structure, complete including structure, node figure, such as figure, develop segmented parts list.

keywords: Liquefied natural gas carrier; Slope tanks; block production design

目   录

第一章绪论 1

1.1液化气船研究的背景 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1我国生产设计研究现状及存在的问题 1

1.2.2 绿色造船技术发展趋势 2

1.3本课题研究的主要内容和意义 2

第二章  生产设计准备 4

2.1 27500液化气船生产条件 27500立方液化气船货舱底边舱401P/S分段船体生产设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_63927.html
