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时间:2020-10-30 19:41来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关字键:内河    散货船  NAPA  总体设计  型线设计

Abstract  Not to be referred to as content abstract: in rapid development today, the shipbuilding industry along with the time steps forward in history, people according to use, the construction of different types of ships, to carry dry cargo ship, and loaded cargo oil tank ship. This is the human wisdom crystallization. Bulk carrier ship in history has a thick ink, has an important position, with the bulk carrier, waterborne cargo capacity has been greatly improved. Bulk carrier bulk carrier, is specially used to transport the dressing of goods, is a kind of indispensable ship types. Inland river bulk cargo ship with the social progress, more and more high. This article tell The convenient, fast, accurate. Compared with the traditional design, based on the overall design of the Napa to more accurate. This is owed more than Napa accurate profile design function, which is the Napa software features. The idea of the overall design is essential to the new ship design process in a ring, is a basic work. Overall design concept has a strong comprehensive, relates to the characteristics of a wide range of two aspects. Involving factors to overall design of all aspects of the content, the need to consider lot.Using Napa software, type line design, load conditions of loading and definition, Hydrostatic Calculation of overall design essential steps.

Key words:Inland river  bulk cargo ship   NAPA   overall design     Line design


第一章 绪论 1

1.1散货船的概念 1

1.2散货船的发展概况 1

    1.3内河船存在的问题 2

1.4散货船的特点 3

    1.5主要研究内容 3

1.6主要研究方法和步骤 4

第二章 内河货船的主尺度确定 5

2.1 选择主尺度考虑的因素 5

2.1.1船长(L) 5

2.1.2船宽(B) 5

2.1.3吃水(d) 5

2.1.4型深(D) 5

2.1.5方形系数( ) 5

2.2主尺度的选择 6

2.2.1确定主尺度的方法 基于NAPA的2500吨内河散货船总体设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_63922.html
