摘要随着国际石油市场形势日益紧张, 风帆助航船在国际船舶市场中受到了越来越高的重视。将风帆作为小型船舶辅助动力装置的技术已经较为成熟,但将风帆助推技术运用于大型船舶的实例较少。本文选择以 668TEU型集装箱船为实例,对其加装的风帆进行设计并对在其加装风帆后的一系列浮态、 稳性的影响作出研究校核。本文先从国内外风帆研究现状中吸取经验,对改进翼型进行选取,结合船型资料,选取计算风帆尺寸,得到一个初步的风帆数据:风帆高度为 18m,宽度为18m,风帆单个风帆面积为 324m2;其后在 CAD 中画出加装风帆后的总布置图,从总布置图来考量风帆加装的实用性和可行性;计算风帆重量,风帆总重量为229.8t;计算由于加装风帆各箱子移动带来的纵倾力矩,得到加装风帆后的纵倾角 0.411°;从调整压载水位置的角度平衡浮态影响,算得需调整 366.14t的压载水;根据型线数据,运用Maxsurf建模,运用 Hydromax 绘出静稳性曲线,得到加装风帆后船舶的各项稳性数据,得到设计船最大复原力臂为 0.782m,所对应的横倾角为 32°,进水角为37.76°,静水稳性曲线消失角为70°,均满足规范,稳性衡准数 K=1.58>1满足规范要求。59513
Abstract Along with the international oil market situation is increasingly tense, sailassistant ship is getting more and more attention in the international shippingmarket.As a small ship auxiliary power plant technology has been more mature, butthe application of the sail propelled technology to large ships. In this paper, we choosethe 688TEU type container ship as an example, the design of the installation of thewind and the installation of sailing after a series of floating state, stability of theimpact of research and check.In this paper, from the domestic and foreign research status of the sailingexperience, to improve the airfoil selection, combined with the ship type information,select the calculation of the sail size, to get a preliminary sailing data:The height is18m, the width is 18m, the single sail area is 324m2. Subsequently in the CAD todraw the total arrangement after the installation of sailing plans, from the generallayout to consider the installation of the practicality and feasibility of sailing;calculate the weight of the sail, the total weight of the sail 229.8t; Calculation of theinstallation of sailing in the case of the movement of the vertical tilting moment, theinstallation of sailing after the vertical angle of 0.411 degrees; from the adjustment ofthe position of the ballast water balance of the impact of floating state, calculate theneed to adjust the 366.14t ballast water; According to the data, using Maxsurfmodeling, using Hydromax draw static stability curve, obtained after the installationof a sail ship the stability data, ship design maximum righting lever obtained from for0.782m, corresponding to the transverse inclination is 32 degrees, inlet angle for37.76 degrees, hydrostatic stability curve vanishing angle of 70 degrees, both meet thespecification, the stability criterion K=1.58>1 to meet the requirements of thestandard..
Keyword: Sailing aided navigation; Container ship; Trim; Cloating state andsteady state check;
第一章 绪论....... 1
1.1 课题背景及研究意义.. 1
1.2 船舶风帆助航概况.......2
1.3 国内外研究现状及存在的问题..7
1.4 本文主要工作..... 11
第二章 风帆的选取及设计......12
2.1 风帆的选取及设计概述.... 12
2.2 风帆面积确定.....12
2.2.1 船型资料...12
2.2.2 回归参数的选择,范围的确定.....13
2.2.3横剖面面积及排水量计算...... 13
2.2.4 面积系数确定.. 14