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时间:2021-02-10 10:09来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  光电三极管 跑偏  VB  EXCEL表格  数据库 存储 串口通讯


Title       Research and design of real-time detection of bulk material conveyor systems          


With the market requirement for the material measurement accuracy, the long-term weighing stability of high-precision belt scale become major problems, and belt running side is one of the key elements affecting the weighing stability, this article designs and develops a conveyor belt deviation detection system to improve weighing stability. 

Based on the analysis of the current belt deviation detection system deficiencies and problems.I put foward a plan which is based in 51 chip 

Microcomputer and priority encoder to Collection and Handle photoelectric sensors transmitted data.Then through the serial communication technology to connect with the PC.Using VB software to read and store transported data. There are two main methods and storage , datebase  storage ande excel  storage.At last,graphics will be demonstrated in PC.

Keywords  phototriode; deviation; VB; Excel spreadsheet; storage;Serial communication 


1. 引言 1

1.1. 选题背景与意义 1

1.2. 皮带跑偏的因素 1

1.2.1. 安装时引起的皮带跑偏 1

1.2.2. 运行中引起的皮带跑偏 1

1.3. 常见的防跑偏措施 2

1.3.1. 传统结构参数调整法 2

1.3.2. 液压矫正法 2

1.4. 本课题的研究内容 2

1.5. 本章小结 2

2. 散状物料输送带跑偏实时检测系统的总体设计 3

2.1. 该系统的需求分析 3

2.2. 国内外研究现状 4

2.2.1. 国内跑偏技术研究现状分析 4

2.2.2. 国外跑偏技术研究现状分析 6

2.3. 系统总体设计 6

2.4. 本章小结 散状物料输送带跑偏实时检测系统的设计与研究:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_69643.html
