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时间:2021-05-30 14:19来源:毕业论文




Abstract: This design is a specific design for the leaf spring on the camera. Through the research of message and product analysis to develop the appropriate stamping process; here to consider the economy, the complicated of the parts themselves and parts stamping process and many other factors, and then select the appropriate stamping die. First, according to the shape and size of parts selected the appropriate process plan, and then calculate and design the selected progressive die parts, and then check the relevant parameters, and finally analyze the action principle and assembly. The entire design process is continually modified and improved by consulting the information and asking the teacher until the actual requirements are met.

Key words: process, stamping die, size calculation

目  录

前    言 1

1.零件图及工艺方案的拟订 3

1.1.零件图及零件工艺性分析 5

1.1.1.零件图 6

1.1.2.零件的工艺性分析 6

1.2.工艺方案的确定 7

2.工艺设计 8

2.1.计算毛坯尺寸 9

2.2.确定排样方案 10

2.2.1.计算工件实际面积 10

2.2.2.分析排样方案 11

2.3.计算各工序的压力 12

2.4.压力机的选择 13

2.5.压力中心的确定 13

3.模具类型及结构形式的选择 14

3.1.级进模的设计 15

3.2.模具设计原理 16

4.模具工作零件刃口尺寸及公差的计算 17

4.1.冲孔、弯曲、切断模 18

5.模具零件的选用,设计及必要的计算 21

5.1.模具零件的选用 25

6.压力机的校核 26

6.1.压力机的校核 26

7.模具的动作原理及综合分析 27

7.1.模具零件的加工 27

7.2.模具的动作原理 28

8.模具的装配 28

设计心得 29

致    谢 30

主要参考文献 31


一般使用的模具有:模锻,压铸,塑料、粉末冶金、玻璃、橡胶、陶瓷模。排除一些特殊模具,其他都是腔型模,因为它们是基于三维模具形成的。 不锈钢板簧的级进模设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_76061.html
