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时间:2021-07-18 16:02来源:毕业论文
Because of the transfer conveyor in open-pit mine and ground level work, the machine as a whole long, carrying a considerable impact force, which on the whole machine and the whole reshipment system s

Because of the transfer conveyor in open-pit mine and ground level work, the machine as a whole long, carrying a considerable impact force, which on the whole machine and the whole reshipment system safety performance and work efficiency will have a serious impact. Through the research and optimization of the subject, the safety performance and working efficiency of the belt conveyor can be improved,  and

the belt conveyor can be adjusted.

Key Word:Transfer machine Belt type optimal design



Abstract II

目录 IV

图清单 VI

表清单 VII

变量注释表 VIII

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 带式转载机的简介 1

1.3 国内外转载机研究现状及未来趋势 3

1.4 目前转载机存在的问题 5

1.5 本课题研究内容与计划 5

2 转载机基本部件及功能 7

2.1 带式转载机典型整体机构如图 2-1 7

2.2 整机典型配置见图 2-2 8

2.3 机头部 8

2.4 过渡架和中间架 8

2.5 卸料部 8

2.6 输送带 9

2.7 驱动装置 9

2.8 逆止器 9

2.9 电动滚轴 9

2.10 传动滚轴 9

2.11 改向滚筒 10

2.12 托辊 10

2.13 本章小结 10

3 部件的选用及方案确定 11

3.1 输送带 11

3.2 传动滚筒 12

3.3 托辊 12

3.4 液压缸 13

3.5 设计方案的确定 14

3.6 本章小结 14

4 整机设计与计算 15

4.1 物料种类的确定 15

4.2 带宽的确定 17

4.3 输送带 18

4.4 托辊的确定 18

4.5 轴功率与圆周力的计算 19

4.6 输送带张力计算 20

4.7 输送带强度校核 22

4.8 拉紧力和拉紧行程确定 23

4.9 逆止力 24

4.10 滚筒直径确定 24

4.11 本章小结 26

5 转载机装配图及关键部件优化图 27

5.1 转载机装配图 27

5.2 下托辊 带式转载机设计+CAD图纸(2):http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_78578.html
