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时间:2021-08-24 19:53来源:毕业论文



  The design of the sewage treatment tower

Abstract:The design for the sewage treatment tower, the containers within the medium H2S, NH3 wastewater, pressure is 0.45 Mpa, the design temperature of 120 ° C. This paper briefly introduces the background of the design of sewage treatment tower equipment, the meaning of design, the application of the present situation and the application prospect. The design of the wastewater treatment tower was determined by the process parameters. This tower is based on the national standards of the gb150-1998 steel pressure vessel and other aspects of pressure vessel design. In the case of the tower, the concrete control is calculated by the thickness calculation, the stability check load and the wind load are calculated in some relatively dangerous sections. Before calculation, selecting suitable material, the size of process parameters as a known condition, under the condition of meet the process, from manufacturing, in women's clothing, overhaul, such as used for mechanical design the overall structure and internal attachment. Design requirements after finished the base ring, anchor bolt, tray, takeover, sealing the first selection of components and the corresponding parts determine the way of connection, and butt it has carried on the reinforcement calculation. The design of the plate-type tower satisfies the requirements of the process.

Key words: structural design; strength checking; standard parts selection; reinforcement calculation


1 .引言 1

1.1 污水处理塔设计的背景 1

1.2污水处理塔设计的意义 1

1.3污水处理塔的发展现状 2

1.4污水处理塔的结构整体 2

1.5污水处理塔设计条件 2

2.污水处理塔结构设计 3

2.1塔盘 3

2.1.1塔盘结构 3

2.1.2塔盘形式 3

2.2浮阀 5

2.3降液管 5

2.4溢流堰 6

2.5接管 6

2.6裙座 7

2.7保温层 7

2.8吊柱 8

2.9除沫器 9

3.材料的选取 10

3.1筒体封头的材料选择 10
