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时间:2021-09-15 20:35来源:毕业论文



Research and design of energy saving gas stove

Abstract:Gas stoves are widely used in china。Various types of domestic gas stove have appeared on the market。Some of these have some very good points,such as,eye-pleasing and beautiful design。But the existing fuel gas cookware has own structure reason,for example,the stove body radiates in a big way,the thermal efficiency is low and the fuel gas combustion is not full。These are all puzzling the user。Therefore,the study of gas stoves for energy-saving becomes necessary。Designing on a Domestic type of Energy Saving Gas Stove is important significance for improving the energy efficiency of our residents and saving family expenditure。A new type of energy saving gas stove with heat recovery is proposed,which adopts heat regenerative cycle to improve gas stove’s thermal efficiency。The energy from high temperature of combustion gas used to heat the cool air will do a great favor to the combustion,which enhanced the combustion efficiency by raising the temperature of cool air and the total thermal efficiency by recovering the heat from fume。

Keywords: Domestic gas stove; Thermal efficiency; Natural gas; Optimal design


1绪论 1

1。1 课题的目的和意义 1

1。2 国内外研究现状与水平 1

1。2。1 国内家用燃气灶研究现状 1

1。2。2 国外家用燃气灶研究现状 2

2燃气热力学特征和燃烧特性 2

2。1 燃气的物理化学性质 2

2。2 热力学性质和燃烧特性 4

2。3 本章小结 7

3灶具燃烧状态研究 7

3。1 燃气炉具燃烧方式 7

3。2 灶具燃烧现象 10

3。2。1 不完全燃烧 10

3。2。2 回火 10

3。2。3 脱火 10

3。2。4 黄端焰 11

3。2。5 移火不良 11

3。2。6 燃烧过程的响声 11

4燃烧系统燃烧器设计 12

4。1 燃气灶压力参数设计 12

4。2 燃气灶功率参数设计 13

4。3 燃气灶喷嘴选型及设计 13

4。3。1 燃气灶喷嘴选取 13

4。3。2 喷嘴设计相关参数 14

4。4 引射器参数设计 节能型燃气灶的研究与设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_81809.html
