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时间:2022-05-14 22:08来源:毕业论文

摘要随着世界的高速发展,时代的迅速进步,工业生产中,传统的生产工艺已经 远远不能满足现在社会的需要,因此需要对众多工业生产中所用到的工艺进行进 一步的开发和改进,使其满足时代的要求。80629

对于镦粗行业来说,对于圆柱形长杆类零件高径比一般需要控制在 2。5-3 之间,超过这一范围的零件在镦粗过程中则会发生失稳而导致横向弯曲,这类零 件被称之为大高径比锻件,因此大高径比锻件的镦粗锻造一直是工业生产中的很 大一个难题,在本次设计中,在冲压工艺中密冲压的基础上,制订了对坯料先镦 粗后挤压的设计方案,首先通过模具对坯料变形部分中的一段进行支撑,使坯料 裸露出来可镦粗的部分高径比小于 3,然后再通过小冲头将之前被模具支撑部分 坯料挤入模具型腔,从而实现了对高径比大于 3 的长杆件的一次成型。方案制定 完毕后,通过 CAD,UG NX10。0 分别将模具的二维图和三维图绘制出来,再将三维 模拟图导入 DEFORM-3D 中进行虚拟模拟,根据成型零件成型情况的直观效果和 DEFORM-3D 后处理结果中所得出的模具受力情况,进一步的对模具有缺陷的部分 进行改进,提高模具的成型效果和使用寿命,通过这些软件可以省去用真实模具 去实验的步骤,大大的节省了人力物力,缩短了模具设计时间。


Abstract With the rapid development of the world, the rapid progress of the times, industrial production, the traditional production process has been far from meeting the current needs of the community, so the need for many industrial production processes used in the further development and improvements to meet the demands of the times。

For upsetting industry, due to the large aspect ratio forging lateral instability phenomenon will occur in the forging process,  the  height  to diameter ratio greater than 3 upsetting forging shaft element of industrial production has been a  large problem in the present second design, the inspiration secret stamped stamping process, first developed for upsetting the blank after extrusion design, the first section of the blank through a die to protect, the blank may be exposed out of upsetting some of the high aspect ratio of less than three and then through a small punch to the protected part of the extrusion billets, thus realizing the height to diameter ratio greater  than three of the pole pieces forming。 After the programming is completed, by CAD, UG NX10。0 respectively mold a two-dimensional and three-dimensional drawing out, and then import the 3D simulation diagram in DEFORM-3D virtual simulation, further improvements based on the forces and deformation of the blank mold, and strive to make the mold defects smallest step can be omitted by the  software to  experiment with real mold, greatly saves manpower and resources, it is a very good choice。

Keywords:Upsetting, Extrusion, Anti-buckling, Finite Element Simulation, Mold

第一章 绪论

1。1 传统镦粗工艺简述。 

1。2 镦粗模具的现状及发展方向。 

1。3 长杆类锻件镦粗的研究 1

1。4 UG 的概要和在镦粗模具计算机辅助设计方面应用 

1。4。1 UG 概要 

1。4。2 UG 在镦粗模具设计方面的优势和应用

1。5 DEFORM-3D 的功能和特点 3

第二章 DEFORM-3D大高径比长杆件镦粗防失稳模具设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_93837.html
