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时间:2022-06-05 12:55来源:毕业论文
分析了集装箱船及国内外生产设计的现状和发展趋势,同时结合国内船厂实 际的生产方式、加工能力,对 2700TEU 集装箱船底部 B14C 双层底分段进行了生产 设计。根据详细设计的分段划分

摘要近几年世界经济形势波动较大,航运业萧条、造船业处于低位。国际造船市场竞 争加剧,为了在激烈竞争的船市中占有一席之地,造船企业纷纷通过提高产品质量, 缩短制造周期,降低生产成本等手段来提高自身竞争力。81340

船舶工程涉及面广、工作量大、制造周期长、影响因素多,因此一个完善的生产 设计方案对于提高生产效率、缩短制造周期、降低生产成本有着至关重要的作用。

本文分析了集装箱船及国内外生产设计的现状和发展趋势,同时结合国内船厂实 际的生产方式、加工能力,对 2700TEU 集装箱船底部 B14C 双层底分段进行了生产 设计。根据详细设计的分段划分图、总布置图、外板展开图等给出了分段建造方式, 绘制了分段结构图、拼板图,编写了零件明细表。以分段重心和重量为基础,综合考 虑分段结构特点设置翻身吊马并绘制了吊马安装图。


Abstract Recently, world economic situation is volatile。 Shipping industry and shipbuilding industry declined。 Competition in the shipbuilding industry increasingly aggravate, which make many shipyards improve the quality of their products, narrow manufacturing cycle and reduce profit margin to maintain the market shares。

Shipbuilding engineering is a subject that requires cross-discipline communication, it has covers factors from many different fields。 At the same time it has characteristics of mass-amount workload and long-term manufacturing cycle。 Besides, there are  many factors plays important role in this profession。 Therefore, it is crucial to form a reasonable production design that improves the efficiency, namely, shorten the manufacturing cycle and reduce the cost。

This paper intends to make the production design of bottom block in the 2700TEU container ship。 The design is based on the analysis of current situation and tendency of container ship designing while considering the process capability of the production as well as the manufacturing method taken in our country。 According to the detail design’s diagram of block pision, general arrangement, shell expansion etc。, deciding the construction way of the section。 Then, drawing the diagram of section structure and name every component。 Considering the structure features, the weight and the gravity center of the section, arranging the lifting pad eyes on the section。

keywords: Container Ship; Production Design; Shipbuilding Technology


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 研究的背景 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 2

1。2。1 国外研究现状 2

1。2。2 国内研究现状 2

1。3 研究的内容和意义 4

1。3。1 研究的意义 4

1。3。2 研究的内容 5

第二章 集装箱船的概述 6

2。1 集装箱船的简介 6

2。2 集装箱船的分类 7

2。3 集装箱船的发展历史及趋势 8

第三章 2700TEU 集装箱船 B14C 分段生产设计 10

3。1 2700TEU 集装箱船概述 10

3。2 B14C 底部分段的建造工艺 10

3。2。1 B14C 底部分段简介 2700TEU集装箱船底部B14C分段船体生产设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_94994.html
