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时间:2022-07-04 21:00来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词: 热压CHOKE、自动换提篮、自动流水线。

Abstract In the hot-pressing CHOKE (inductance) manufacturing process, the coil system, magnetic powder molding and electrode are produced in three relatively independent production processes。 So the connections between the each part need to be completed by artificial auxiliary operations。 But it seriously affects the production efficiency of the equipment and wastes a lot of labor force。 Under this background, If we could design an automatic in shopping basket institutions and some related auxiliary institutions to realize the automatic feeding of material, the automatic connection between different processing station and  full automation, it can be possible to lead to the higher productivity。

In this paper, we use solidworks to automatically change the basket institutions and related auxiliary institution by the institution design, 3d modeling, virtual assembly drawing and engineering drawing。 And use solidworksMotion module to complete the mechanism motion simulation and optimization of mechanism design。 Stress analysis was carried out on the part of the typical parts in SimulationXpress module。 After adding constraints, adding load, specifying material process, the results of cloud can be found。 The force of the cloud body analysis of that result is helpful to have a further optimization of institutions and to complete the qualified design scheme。

Keywords:Hot-pressing CHOKE、Automatically change the basket、Automatic assembly line。


第一章 绪论 1

1。1选题背景与意义 1

1。2热压CHOKE的市场前景 1

1。3 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 2

1。4 本文的主要研究内容 3

第二章  整体方案设计 5

2。1热压CHOKE(电感)制程及所用机台介绍 5

2。2现有条件下的作业流程及存在的问题 7

2。3 总体方案 7

2。4 本文所要解决的问题 8

2。4。1冷压机的上料和下料 8

2。4。2绕线站与冷热压站之间的连接 8

2。4。3 冷热压站与成型站之间的连接 9

第三章 机械部分设计和计算 10

3。1。机械手臂设计 10

3。1。1 工业机器人选取 11

3。1。2 夹爪组合设计 solidworks冷热压自动换提篮机构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_95952.html
