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时间:2024-07-20 09:59来源:95924



Research on the Financial Crisis Early Warning of Leshi

Abstract:Modern society Internet economy and the vigorous development of the computer industry many related enterprises came into being Golden Avenue Leshi as a business is undoubtedly one of the best. However 2016 as the director of the Leshi has published an internal letter that business crisis recognition of Leshi as facing the financial difficulties we can see that the early warning of financial crisis in the Leshi business operations with practical significance financial crisis warning plays an important role in the business operations On the basis of understanding the definition of financial crisis this paper uses the Wall score method of financial management and the financial crisis early warning model Z word score model combined with Leshi as financial data and non-financial data Leshi as the financial situation and development Based on the comparative analysis of the results of the Waldorf Score and the Z-score model in the early warning of financial crisis we find out the early warning strategy which is more suitable for the status quo. The study of financial crisis early warning can provide crisis early warning ideas for similar listed companies which is of reference value to investors who focus on the Internet economy market.

Keywords: Financial Crisis Warning; Z -word Score Model; Wall Score Method.Leshi Internet Information and Technology Corp


0引言 1

1财务危机相关理论研究 1

1.1财务危机的定义 1

1.2财务危机预警分析方法 3

1.2.1指标分析法 3

1.2.2单变量判别模型 4

1.2.3多变量判别模型 5

1.2.4结合现代新技术的预警方法 5

2沃尔评分法在乐视财务危机预警中的应用 6

2.1指标数据选择 6

2.2沃尔评分法计算结果 7

3Z-计分模型在乐视财务危机预警中的应用 9

3.1模型应用 9

3.2模型运算结果分析 10

4乐视财务危机预警应用方法的对比分析 11

4.1分析结果的对比与选择 11

4.2Z-计分模型更优的原因 12

5对乐视进行准确财务危机预警的策略 13

5.1对财务因素与非财务因素综合考虑 乐视的财务危机预警研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_204327.html
