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时间:2024-07-20 09:57来源:95923



Research on the Financing Problem of Pre - lPO

Abstract:Enterprises in the process of preparing for the listing of the need for a round or round of financing. In different stages of financing will encounter different problems, began to develop financing plans to focus on their own and external factors may affect financing in the implementation phase of the financing plan should be prepared in detail the financing plan, the capital operation process should emphasize to avoid risks, Develop a control strategy, so that enterprises face the risk to be fully prepared, smooth and perfect end. This paper chooses the strong ALiBaBa Holding as an example to study its financing behavior before listing and analyzes its  capital operation mode, so as to study the series of financing problems before the listing. Enterprises in the financing process should not only learn to correct their minds, the correct face of the existence of their own problems, but also by external forces, mobilize the strength of professionals to win the concept of taking into account the interests of all parties, so as to obtain the financing needed Funds to ensure that enterprises comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development.

Key words: IPO;financing ;risk; control


0引言 1

1企业上市前进行融资的动因及融资方式 1

1.1企业融资理论 1

1.2企业上市前融资的动因 2

1.3企业融资方式 3

1.4融资可以选择的资本运作方式 4

2企业上市前融资阶段及需要关注的问题 6

2.1企业上市前的融资阶段 6

2.2企业在融资过程中需关注的问题 9

2.2.1关注企业内部存在的问题 9

2.2.2关注企业外部存在的问题 11

2.3融资完成后的风险应对 12

3案例分析 14

3.1阿里巴巴融资历程 14

3.2阿里巴巴融资分析 16

结论 19

致谢 20

参考文献 21



经济大环境的稳步发展下,更加多的企业选择了上市,很多知名大企业都是通过融资上市,中国上市企业的数量每年也在增长。中国企业要上市有很多种选择,可以选择境外上市,也可以选择香港上市,但大多数还是选择在中国上市。中国企业上市一般是在深交所和上交所。截至2017年2月,中国上市公司一共有3100多家。并且不断在有新公司申请上市。 企业上市前的系列融资问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_204326.html
