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时间:2024-09-25 23:06来源:97454
本文着重对消费税和纳税策划进行了理论分析,这有利于为研究消费 税纳税策划所应遵循的原则和方法打好基础。



Tax planning of consumption tax

Abstract:Based on the theoretical research of consumption tax and tax planning, this thesis analyses the consumption tax planning approach in many ways. Apart from that, a specific case study makes it more convincing. This paper is pided into five parts: the first part introduces the background and significance of the research, briefly describes the research framework and research method of the paper and also points out the innovations and shortcomings; the second part briefly introduces the concept and characteristics of the consumption tax, and analyzes the government policy changes about consumption tax in recent years and its future trend which has a straight relation with the consumption tax reform; the third part analyses tax planning concept through its definition , principle, significance and risk. The fourth part is based on the integration of consumption tax and tax planning, which researches the seven ways of consumption tax planning, combined with specific case analysis; the fifth part uses the ABC wine Limited by Share Ltd as an example to reveal the concrete application of the above-mentioned tax planning approaches in reality.

Keywords :tax planning  ;consumption tax  ;case study;


摘要 1


1引言 1

1.1研究的背景与意义 1

1.2本文的研究框架与研究方法 3

1.3本文的创新点与不足 3

2消费税的基本概念 3

2.1消费税的基本理论 3

2.2近年消费税政策变化 5

3纳税策划的理论分析 6

3.1纳税策划的定义 6

3.2纳税策划的原则 7

3.3纳税策划的意义 8

3.4纳税策划的风险 8

4消费税纳税策划策略 9

4.1消费税纳税策划的可行性 9

4.2消费税纳税策划策略 9

5案例研究 13

5.1案例介绍 13

5.2案例分析 14

5.3案例启示 16

结束语 17


参考文献 19

消费税的纳税策划研究 消费税的纳税策划研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_204742.html
