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时间:2024-07-14 09:25来源:95840



Analysis of Management Accounting Innovation in Big Data Era

Abstract:With the rapid development of information technology, cloud computing, internet of things, the value of big data is gradually found, big data plays more and more important role in enterprises.The arrival of big data era will undoubtedly bring more development opportunities to the field of management accounting, and put forward higher requirements.However,thecombination of current management accounting and big data is not very ideal, many small and medium-sized enterprises lack enough understanding of the application of big data in enterprises.This paper first discusses the basic theory of opportunity and challenge of management accounting in big data era.Then,  the change course of management accounting theory model is reviewed.After the analysis of the innovation of several representative enterprises under the background of big data, this paper puts forward the countermeasures to improve the status quo, points out the future direction of management accounting.

Keywords:Managementaccounting;Bigdata;Innovation;Problems and rmeasures

0引言 1

1大数据时代管理会计的内涵 1

1.1对于大数据的理解 1

1.1.1大数据的含义 1

1.1.2大数据的特点 1

1.2对于管理会计的理解 2

1.2.1管理会计的定义 2

1.2.2财务会计与管理会计的区别 2

2大数据时代管理会计的机遇 2

2.1企业的规划考评由片面抽象转为精细化、数字化 3

2.1.1绩效考评更加科学化和全面化 3

2.1.2助力企业核心竞争能力的提高 3

2.1.3企业的规划控制得到显著强化 4

2.2管理会计的分析由面向结果转为面向过程 4

2.2.1收入分析由面向结果转为面向过程 4

2.2.2 成本分析由面向结果变为面向过程 5

2.2.3风险分析由面向结果变为面向过程 5

3大数据时代管理会计的挑战 6

3.1企业对大数据缺乏足够的认识 6

3.2管理会计缺乏足够的信息存储空间 6

3.3管理会计缺乏信息安全保障机制 6

3.4管理会计缺乏完善的信息分析技术 7 大数据时代管理会计创新探析:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_204266.html
