摘要: 随着现代物流业的急速发展,其已经成为了国民经济发展中一股不可忽视的力量,将现代物流业纳入增值税的征收范围,不仅能更好的组织收入和方便征税管理,还能对社会主义市场经济起到促进作用。这次营业税改征增值税对于现代物流企业的税收制度而言,将面临一次重大的挑战和革新。因此,分析“营改增”对于现代物流企业业务运营、财务、税务等方面的影响,探讨现代物流企业面对税改的对策,具有重大的现实意义。
关键词: 营业税改征增值税,现代物流,对策建议 3815
The Research of Tax reform in BT replaced with VAT in modern logistics enterprises
Abstract: With the rapid development of modern logistics industry, it has become a force to be reckoned with in national economic development. The modern logistics industry in the scope of the collection of VAT Not only can better organization income tax and easy management, but also play a role in promoting the socialist market economy. The business tax reform levy VAT tax system will give modern logistics enterprises a major tax reform. Therefore, analyzing the impact of modern logistics enterprise business operations, finance, taxation and other aspect and exploring the countermeasures of the modern logistics businesses in dealing with the tax reform is of great practical significance. This paper first introduces the background of Shanghai carrying out the business tax reform of VAT reform pilot and analyzes its principle. Secondly,comparing the different effects by the tax system and management situation of the modern logistics enterprises before and after business tax reform levy VAT. Analyzing the "advantages" and "disadvantages" which tax reform brings to modern logistics enterprise, and on this basis, proposing a number of countermeasures to those "disadvantages".
Key words: Business tax reform levy VAT, modern logistics, suggestions
目 录
引 言
自1994年开始我国按照国际惯例建立了增值税征收模式,于2004年有八个行业在东北地区“三省一市”进行了增值税转型的试点改革,为了由原有的生产型增值税转变为消费型增值税,自2007年7月起有二十优尔个城市的八个行业在中部地区的优尔个省份进行了扩大增值税抵扣范围的第二批试点,自2009年1月1日起,全国所有地区以及行业将全面推行增值税转型改革。上海市于2012年1月,实施了交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点,迎来了一场重大的税制改革。 现代物流企业营业税改征增值税的研究+建议策略:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_279.html