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时间:2021-09-09 20:30来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词: 财务报表;比较分析;评价建议

Analysis of Financial Statements of Listed Companies

Abstract:Since the reform and opening up, the capital market has been developing year by year, coupled with economic system reform,brings great changes to  the enterprise development environment. Financial statement analysis, on one hand, is the internal work of each enterprise on the other hand it shows the production and operation of enterprises to business authorities, tax, banks and external investors. They can also make a reasonable business management evaluation to promote the development of the enterprise economy based on the financial statement analysis. The financial statements can reflect the performance, development trend and financial situation of listed companies so the managers, investors and other accounting users can get into the operation status and profitability systematically forecast the development trend and reduce the risk of decision making. Based on the relevant knowledge of accounting, this paper analyzes the financial statements of Dong'e'aijiao Co., Ltd. from 2012 to 2016 to study the problems reflected in the financial statements and makes reasonable suggestions.

Keywords:  financial statements;comparative analysis;evaluation recommendations


引言 1

一、财务报表的作用和种类 2

(一)财务报表的作用 2

(二)财务报表的种类 2

1、资产负债表 2

2、利润表 2

3、现金流量表 3

4、所有者权益变动表 3

5、财务报表附注 3

二、财务报表分析的常用方法 3

(一)趋势分析法 3

(二)比率分析法 3

(三)因素分析法 4

(四)比较分析法 4

(五)杜邦财务分析体系 4

三、东阿阿胶案例分析 5

(一)企业介绍 5

(二)资产负债表分析 5

(三)利润表分析 8

(四)现金流量表分析 11

1、水平分析 11

2、结构分析 11

(五)财务比率分析 13

1、偿债能力分析 13

2、营运能力分析 上市公司东阿阿胶财务报表分析:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_81513.html
