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摘要:冶金加热炉不仅是指热加工时,将金属加热到轧制、挤压或锻造温度的加热设备, 也是我国工业生产中重要的热工设备。
毕业论文关键词:  步进式加热炉;节能;结构设计
Design of the Step-by-step Heating Furnace
Abstract: Metallurgical furnace heat processing means, not only the heating equipment when the metal is heated to rolling, extrusion or forging temperature, but also the essential equipment for thermal in the production of industry in China.
This design is based on the Heat Transfer, Engineering Thermo dynamics, Flame Furnace and other course, and referred to a large number of furnace design information for the overall design of the furnace. This thesis according to a four-year study of the professional theoretical knowledge at the University and many scientific and technical literature data and with the help of teachers designs the step-by-step heating furnace. The design includes literature review, thermal calculation, metal heating calculation, the determine to the furnace main dimensions, furnace heat balance and fuel consumed, the choice of the gas burner, heat exchanger design and calculation, air lines pressure drop calculation and air blower choice, flue resistance loss and the chimney calculation, the English translation of the literature and others. Finally, the CAD software is used to draw the whole body of the furnace.
Keywords: step-by-step heating furnace;energy-saving;structural design
1    前言1
2    文献综述2
2.1  连续式加热炉简介2
2.2  步进式连续加热炉3
2.2.1  步进式加热炉分类3
 2.2.2  步进式加热炉的优点3
 2.2.3  步进式加热炉的工作原理4
 2.2.4  步进式加热炉的发展趋势4
2.3  步进式加热炉的节能5
2.4  加热炉的热工制度9
3  步进式加热炉设计计算 10
3.1  原始数据10
3.2  热工计算10
3.3  炉膛热交换计算13
3.4  金属加热计算16
3.5  炉子主要尺寸确定19
3.6  炉膛热平衡与燃料消耗量计算20
3.7  煤气烧嘴的选用29
3.8  空气换热器设计计算30
3.9  空气管路阻力损失计算38
3.10  烟道阻力损失及烟囱计算 42
4  结论 48
 1    前言
能源的竞争和环保要求是钢铁工业正在面临的巨大挑战。降低能源消耗,建立环境友好的钢铁企业已经成为钢铁工业可持续发展的一个重要方面,也是钢铁工业利润增长的一个重要基础工作。中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展十一个五年规划的建议中也提出,“十一五”期间单位国内生产总值能源消耗要比“十五”期末降低20%左右,重点抓好冶金、建材、化工、电力等行业的节能降耗工作。加热炉的能源消耗约占冶金行业能源消耗的10%左右,其中轧钢加热炉又占75%~80%。中国冶金行业的轧钢加热炉在产量、炉型结构、机械化、自动化水平及理论操作上与国外还存在一定的差距。炉子吨钢燃耗高、效率低,造成了能源的极大浪费。因此,提高加热炉效率,搞好节能工作是降低轧钢成本,是国内钢铁企业实现可持续发展的有效途径之一。 (责任编辑:qin)