时间:2019-03-31 19:29 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要:夹具是机械制造过程中用来固定加工对象,使之占有正确的位置,以接受施工或检测的装置,它又称卡具。从广义上说,在工艺过程中的任何工序,用来迅速、方便、安全地安装工件的装置,都可称为夹具。夹具在产品的开发过程中,对缩短研制周期有着重要的作用。举调查,以我国目前的机械制造业水平,在机械工艺设备设计周期中70%~80%的时间用于夹具的设计和制造,所以夹具的设计与制造对于机械制造生产企业而言,有着重大的影响。传统的夹具设计方法,在方案论证、材料选用、定位与布局、强度验算、编制技术文件以及图纸绘制等一系列的过程中都是由设计人员手工计算绘制。这样不仅需要较多的人力和较长的设计周期外,其计算精度与设计质量的提高也受到了很大的限制。在现代制造业系统看来,夹具是保证产品精度、提高产品质量,实现企业全面的质量管理和提高生产效率的重要手段,能否快速设计并制造出合格的夹具已经成为制造系统发展的关键。因此,提高机床夹具的CAD/CAM的水平,无疑占有很重要的地位。机床夹具CAD/CAM技术成为现代制造业发展中重要的应用领域。34139 毕业论文关键词 CAD 组合夹具 机械制造 Jigs and ®xtures are one of the important aspects of manufacturing. Parts may have different sets of ®xturing requirements and call for different design strategies. Although there are numerous possibilities for ®xture designs, a few basic con®gurations are clearly identi®able. Computer aided design (CAD) has done a little in assisting designers to design jigs and ®xtures, making decisions of the best design selection, and providing designers with suggestions. The goal of this paper is to develop and document the design parameters and speci®cations utilized in jigs and ®xtures design using universal modular jigs and ®xtures design system (UMJFS). This is the ®rst step to develop a knowledge-based Jigs and Fixture design and selection system. This application has the advantages of making the ®xture design information completely modular and transparent, providing better match to the working conditions, reducing lead-time, and generally providing a signi®cant enhancement of ®xture productivity and economy. UMJFS has different standard and modular elements. This makes jigs and ®xtures elements interchangeable and reusable. Designing a UMJFS then becomes a task of selecting and assembling the proper elements together. 目录 1引言…1 1.1三文CAD设计…1 1.2数字样机的介绍3 1.3本课题介绍6 2制动钳零件加工中心加工工艺…6 2.1制动钳零件结构特点7 2.2加工中心工步说明卡和刀具选用卡介绍8 3夹具总体设计…13 3.1总体设计思想…13 3.1.1工序集中思想13 3.1.2Poka-yoke废品设计思想13 3.2夹具总体布置14 3.3制动钳夹具布局设计14 3.3.1常用的3-2-1定位原理说明…15 3.3.2夹具布局的确立原则16 3.3.3制动钳夹具装夹方案17 3.4组合夹具应用…24 3.5Poka-yoke思想在设计中的体现…25 4夹具三文设计及干涉检查…27 4.1过渡底板三文参数化设计27 4.1.1三文参数化设计介绍27 4.1.2过渡底板的参数化设计…28 4.2标准件设计…31 4.3夹具三文实体设计干涉检查…32 4.3.1三文实体干涉检查的重要性…32 4.3.2夹具体的静干涉检查33 4.3.3夹具体的动态干涉检查…35 4.4二文工程图的转换…36 5设计小结38 致谢…39 参考文献…40 附录 (责任编辑:qin) |