

毕业论文 > 机械论文 >


毕业论文关键词  行星齿轮差速器  试验台  效率测试
Title      Planetary differential  bench design           
Planetary differential is widely used in various types of military and civilian sector, Carrying capacity, maximum speed and efficiency is a measure of an important indicator of good or bad performance differentials.
Planetary differential bench instruments to measure these indicators.
One type of planetary differential bench generally correspond to one or several planets differential. The design to be measured are two planetary differential input, single output. It has small size, high speed input shaft spacing smaller features. This design features a planetary differential bench to be measured according to the planetary differential
Design. Test station planetary differential power is transmitted through the belt to the input shaft to the input shaft to solve two problems of smaller pitch. Planetary differential clamp load brake clamp load bearing and radial offset are adjustable, the coupling method using the link connection cord wound. This error can be reduced as much as possible to bring the installation, so that the performance of the measurement is more accurate.
Keywords   Planetary differential   Test Bench   Efficiency Test
目   次
1 引言01
1.1 课题来源及研究背景•01
1.2 行星齿轮差速器实验台的研究现状02
1.3 待测行星齿轮差速器外形特点及带来的设计痛点02
1.4 论文研究的主要内容03
2 行星齿轮差速器试验台的总体设计•03
2.1 行星齿轮差速器的实验项目03
2.2 行星齿轮差速器试验台的设计原理04
2.3 行星齿轮差速器试验台的布置方式及总体结构••04
2.4 行星齿轮差速器试验台所需器材的选定••06
3 装夹结构的设计••09
3.1 行星齿轮差速器的夹具设计09
3.2 制动器的底座设计••10
3.3 轴承底座设计10
4 主要零件(轴、键)设计及强度校核••11
4.1 轴的设计及校核•11
4.2 键的设计•13
5 基于Pro/ENGINEER及CAXA的制图••15
5.1 基于Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0的三文建模15
5.1.1 Pro/ENGINEER软件概况••15
5.1.2 Pro/ENGINEER 三文建模•15
5.2 基于CAXA 2007 的工程制图••18
5.2.1 CAXA软件概况•18
5.2.2 CAXA 绘制二文工程图的内容18
插    图
图1  行星差速器外形图03
图2  试验台布置方式••04
图3  行星齿轮差速器总体结构的主视图•05 (责任编辑:qin)