时间:2020-05-23 10:42 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要:本文旨在设计一款以PLC为核心模拟机床数控系统的数控齿牙分度实训台的电气控制系统,使得受训人员可以通过本设备对多轴机床分度转台的组成、运行原理和常见故障判断形成一个基本的认识。本次设计的内容包括电气控制系统的总体方案设计、控制电路设计、辅助电路设计、伺服电机的选型、PLC控制器的选型和梯形图设计,触摸控制屏的选型和界面设计。49403 毕业论文关键词:可编程逻辑控制器;电气控制系统;数控齿牙盘分度实训台;伺服电机 Design of the electical control system to FA-NCFD-1 NC Teeth Plate Indexing Table Training Platform Abstract: Various kind of automation production equipment have been widespread with the upgrading and restructuring of the manufacturing sector, the first of these is the CNC machine tools which can greatly reduce the production hours and improve the quality of products. As an increasing number of CNC machine tools, the demand for the talent who can operate the CNC machine and able to maintain the equipment increased continuously. In order to improve the efficiency and effect of the training to the technical talents, various kind of different NC training equipment that consist of a part of the CNC machine tool emerged. Those training equipment can make trainees understand the composition and the principle of CNC machine tools. The purpose of this paper is to design the electric control system that consist of a PLC controller instead of a NC contraller of an NC teeth plate indexing training table that can let the trainee form a basic understanding about the composition, the principle and the common fault of the indexing table consist with multi-axis CNC machine tools. Key words:PLC;Programmable Logic Controller;Indexing Table;Electric Control System 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 数控机床中的分度台 1 1.3 数控齿牙分度实训台介绍 2 1.4 数控齿牙盘分度实训台的故障模拟功能 3 2方案论证 4 2.1数控分度台的电气控制系统设计的原始条件及技术要求 4 2.2数控分度台电气控制系统功能要求的分析 4 2.3数控齿牙分度实训台电气控制系统运行方案设计 5 2.3.1手动分度功能运行方案 5 2.3.2自动分度功能运行方案 6 2.3.3回原点功能运行方案 6 2.4数控齿牙分度实训台电气控制系统控制方式的选择 7 2.4.1对使用单片机控制板进行控制的分析 7 2.4.2对使用可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)进行控制的分析 8 2.4.3单片机控制与PLC控制的比较 9 2.5 设备主控界面的方案的论证 10 2.6 锁紧机构执行元件的驱动方案 11 3 数控齿牙盘分度实训台伺服驱动系统选型 13 3.1伺服电机类型选择 13 3.1.1 步进电动机伺服驱动系统 13 3.1.2 直、交流伺服电机驱动系统 13 3.1.3 电机伺服驱动方式的选择 (责任编辑:qin) |