

毕业论文 > 机械论文 >


Aesthetic appreciation is a key item in modem art and art theory.People form certain sense of aesthetic appreciation by connecting aesthetic appreciation relations and find,sense,realize and enjoy art beauty by practice.Aesthetic appreciation relmions between subjects and objects are always changing and the sense of aesthetic appreciation is also changing with fashion and value orientation.Modem art has been persifying and is not confined within the traditional idea of elegance and grace.Modem ceramic craft impresses people with new and rapid developing art forms and changes the traditional concept of it.As one of the art functions and primary features,aesthetic appreciation has been generating wholly-new set theory and value system.This thesis focuses on the tendency of aesthetic appreciation in modem ceramic craft by analyzing some representative modem ceramic artists and works.It may conclude that some affection factors are combined into the development of modem ceramic craft appreciation and idea of rebellion and suspicion are taken into art creation.Thus ceramic craft is enriched in art expressive form and both social feature and participative feature are emphasized.
Keywords:new ceramic art; aesthetics ;trend; demotion; material manifest
摘要   1
一、绪论   4
二、关于现代陶艺   4
三、现代艺术创作中的审美趋向问题   5
(一)传统艺术创作中审美趋势的形成  5
(二)现代艺术的审美趋向对现代陶艺的影响  6
四、现代陶艺创作中的审美趋向分析   6
(一)陶瓷材料本身的语言美感  6
(二)陶瓷材料构成性因素形成的视觉美感  6
(三)现代陶艺创作中非材料语言的方面  7
(四)现代陶艺材料和空间的拓展  7
结论 8
谢辞 9
参考文献   10
    陶瓷是最古老的传统艺术之一,具有悠远的历史并创造了灿烂辉煌的成就。那些凝聚着历代陶瓷艺人们智慧和心血的陶瓷艺术品,再现了人类文明演进与发展的历史,展现出人类在漫漫历史长河中追求美、向往美、欣赏美、表现美、创造美的审美轨迹,并用实物的方式记录下了人类审美心理发展和变化的历程。可以说:一部陶瓷史,就是一部人类文明史和审美史的缩影。 (责任编辑:qin)