Abstract:ECO plate micro-culture plate will focused on a micro-test board integrated platform with 32 biochemical test response .The advantages of ECO plate is standard, small size and easy.Pine wood nematode disease is one of the most dangerous forestry diseases in forestry. The synergistic pathogenicity of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and its associated bacteria is a hotspot in recent years. The paper will taken the ECO micro-culture plate to classify the bacteria associated with Bursaphelenchus xylophilus used by different methods in the first time.The results as follows:
(1) With the micro-color change indicators can be easily different strains of strains to be classified.But the reliability still need to verify, confidence interval still need to confirm.The reseach will determine the final value of less than 4 (including 4) of the strains summarized.The difference between WCCJ4h-Na and WCCJ4h-Pc, WCCJ4h-Na and WCCJ4h-Pf, WQX-3-Nd and WQX-3-Pe, NBQX-3-Na and NBQX-3-Pa is 1, NCCJ4h-Na and NCCJ4h -Pa difference is zero.Therefore, they are most likely to be the same species.
(2) The turbidity data were used to compare the strains, and the bacteria and bacteria were compared one by one. No strains were identified as the same bacteria.Therefore, it is not possible to use the turbidity value of the ECO plate to identify the strain and the comparative strain.
Key words:bacteria, identification, ECO plate
第一章绪论 1
1.1松材线虫病 1
1.2抗病育种学研究 2
1.3松材线虫病原学的研究 3
1.4松材线虫病致病机理的研究 4
1.6病害传媒昆虫生物学及防治研究 8
第二章材料与方法 9
2.1实验菌种名称 9
2.2菌种来源 9
2.3实验材料 9
2.4实验方法与步骤 10
2.4.1培养基配制 10
2.4.2菌株的活化 10
2.4.4BIOLOGECO板点样 10
2.4.5培养观察和数据采集 基于微生物鉴定板使用的菌种分析研究:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_203690.html