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时间:2023-04-12 21:58来源:毕业论文

摘要为改善中小学生因长期缺乏锻炼而导致的体质差、亚健康问题,国家出台了一系列的鼓励中小学生运动的政策,特别是开展阳光体育活动政策的鼓励和实施,得到了各类学校的一致认同,并且迅速在学校中普及起来,但是其开展效果并不理想。本文通过对台州市小学体育教师、学生以及家长的问卷调查,分析台州市小学阳光体育活动的现状,探究影响小学阳光体育活动开展的具体因素,并提出:1、转变教育观念,倡导阳光运动;2。加强宣传教育,激发运动积极性;3、丰富活动内容,发展特色项目;4、提升教育质量,壮大师资力量;5加大资金投入,确保场地器材充足;6、借鉴与学习,鼓励学生家长参与;7、加强引导,完善活动反馈机制开展七个方面的对策与建议,希望可以为改善台州市小学阳光体育活动现状提供借鉴。 88337

In order to improve the poor quality and sub-health problems caused by long-term lack of training for primary and middle school students, the state has introduced a series of policies to encourage the movement of primary and middle school students, especially the encouragement and implementation of the sunshine sports policy, Identity, and quickly in the school popular, but its effect is not ideal。 This paper analyzes the present situation of the sunshine sports activities in Taizhou primary school by investigating the questionnaire of physical education teachers, students and parents in Taizhou primary school, and explores the specific factors influencing the sunshine sports activities in primary school, and puts forward: 1。 To change the educational concept and promote the sunshine movement; 2 to enhance the quality of education, strengthen the teachers; 5 increase capital investment to ensure that the venue equipment sufficient; 6, learn and learn to encourage students to parents (2) to enhance the quality of education, Participation; 7, improve the feedback mechanism to ensure that the activities of the smooth development of seven aspects of the countermeasures and suggestions, hoping to improve the status of Taizhou primary school sunshine sports activities to provide reference。


 Keywords:lack of training;  Sub-health;  The sunshine sports activities; Taizhou

目  录

摘    要 2

1。引言 5

2。研究对象与方法 5

2。1  研究对象 5

2。2  研究方法 5

2。2。1文献资料法 6

2。2。2问卷调查法 6

2。2。3数理统计法 6

3。现状与分析 6

3。1现状 6

3。1。1体育课开展现状 6

3。1。2两操现状 7

3。1。3学校课外体育活动现状 7

3。1。4场地器材现状 8

3。1。5学生们对参加阳光体育的态度 8

3。1。6教师们对参加阳光体育活动的态度 9

3。1。7家长们对孩子参加阳光体育运动的态度 9

3。2影响到阳光体育活动开展因素分析 10

3。2。1宣传力度不够,体育氛围不浓 10 台州市小学阳光体育活动状况的调查分析:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_158638.html
