Abstract:With the economic development and the accelerated pace of urbanization, the use of vehicles has gradually become popular, resulting in frequent traffic accidents, and related vehicle detection technology is also booming。 In order to achieve better and more accurate detection of vehicles, this paper presents a vehicle detection algorithm based on HOG (gradient inverse
histogram), which composes the characteristics of the gradient histogram of the local area of the image, Recognize the use of SVM (support vector machine) classifier, those who do not contain the vehicle information area to exclude screening, and achieved good detection results。 The concrete work is as follows: The vehicle detection method based on HOG feature and SVM classifier is realized。 The use of HOG better edge characteristics to describe the vehicle contour, and then use SVM classification will be extracted to identify the classification of vehicle information to complete the detection of the vehicle。
Keywords: HOG; SVM; vehicle detection
1绪论 5
1。1研究背景与意义 5
1。2本文的主要工作 5
2相关研究进展 6
2。1研究现状 6
2。2图像识别技术现状 6
2。2。1图像分割 6
2。2。2图像识别常用特征 7
2。2。3常用机器学习算法 7
3基于HOG和SVM的车辆检测 8
3。1物体检测流程 8
3。2正、负样本制作 9
3。3HOG特征提取 10
3。4线性分类器SVM 14
3。5SVM分类器的训练 15
3。6车辆检测实现 15
3。6。1图像扫描合并 16
3。7本章小结 16
4实验结果分析 16
4。1实验中使用的数据集 17
4。2实验结果分析 18
5总结与展望 20
5。1论文总结 20
5。2未来展望 20
参考文献 21
致谢 22
近些年来,随着市场经济的发展,汽车保有量不断地增加,汽车安全逐渐成为社会关注的一个重点。现在整个交通系统面对的挑战越来越多,既要安全、便利,也要注重高效率,达到改善交通环境,节省各类资源的目的,从而建立良好的交通现状。有关数据表示:在发生的交通事故当中,绝大部分是追尾事故,因此,汽车安全辅助驾驶系统对事故的发生起到了一定的预防作用。源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 HOG特征的车辆检测技术的研究:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_198985.html