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时间:2024-05-10 21:52来源:95337





Abstract:With the rapid development of economy, the role of motor vehicles in life is becoming more and more obvious. In order to dredge traffic flow, every area has established a complex traffic network, and the normal operation of the traffic network cannot do without signal orderly grooming.On the other hand, due to the complexity and persity of the road conditions, drivers may be distracted and finally leading to traffic accidents.As an effective auxiliary driving system, the signal recognition system is playing an increasingly important role in the intelligent transportation and it’s an indispensable part of the intelligent transportation system.

In this paper, a method of detection and recognition based on image processing is put forward around the traffic lights,and the experimental research is carried out through the MATLAB platform. The main contents are as follows,the first is the detection of the traffic lights,by the light characteristics of the traffic lights,the color of the signal is segmented to get the candidate area of the traffic light.The second is the identification of the traffic lights, the region of interest is labeled by the mark method at first and then extract the features by the parameters of area and roundness.Finally, the template matching method is used to match the processed image and then obtains the real-time state of traffic lights in the end.

The experimental result shows that the traffic light identification system designed in this paper can basically meet the design requirements, and can effectively identify the status of traffic lights, what’s more, it provides a guarantee for urban traffic safety in a great extent.

Keywords:Traffic lights; color segmentation; feature extraction; template matching

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3交通信号灯识别难点及研究安排 2

第二章 信号灯及图像处理基础理论 4

2.1交通信号灯的介绍 4

2.2彩色图像的介绍 5

2.3图像处理的基础知识 8

2.3.1图像预处理 8

2.3.2形态学处理 MATLAB数字图像处理的交通信号灯识别系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_203748.html
