        经试验研究发现,在实验条件下 6N01铝合金板材会发生应力腐蚀现象,在三点加载作用下受拉应力作用的表面氧化膜首先被破坏,并在表面产生点蚀和晶间腐蚀,随着晶粒慢慢剥蚀表面产生了腐蚀坑,腐蚀坑之间逐渐连成片并出现裂纹。测量计算得到6N01铝合金临界应力强度因子为4.9-5.6Mpa左右,裂纹扩展速率约为4.5*10-3mm/h。在一定厚度范围内,5mm的铝合金板材腐蚀速率较慢,腐蚀程度较低,其抗应力腐蚀敏感性较6mm和7mm板材更低。T4状态的铝合金板材比T5状态的的应力腐蚀敏感性更低。
    关键词  6N01铝合金   应力腐蚀   KISCC     三点加载   裂纹扩展速率
    Title Study of Stress Corrosion Cracking of High-strength aluminum alloy                                                          
    Enter into the high-speed train era, the demand of railway passenger traffic
    have increased quickly,the need of passenger train speed performance improved too,So the high-strength aluminum alloy in high-speed train body has been widely used.However,there are SCC susceptibility of aluminum alloy material in the wet gas, so it is necessary to study its resistance to SCC.
    This topic through 6N01 aluminum alloy used for high-speed trains to inquiry stress corrosion, Combined with laboratory conditions,Carried out the self-loading izod test and three point loading stress corrosion test.Measured the intensity factor and stress corrosion crack growth rate of 6N01 aluminum,researched the stress corrosion mechanism,compared the different thicknesses of aluminum alloy sheet 5,6,7mm resistance to stress corrosion and T4, T5 state aluminum plate stress corrosion sensitivity of difference.
    Experimental research has found that 6N01 aluminum alloy is sensitive to stress corrosion,surface oxide film under tensile stress in three-point loading effects are first destroyed and pitting and corrosion on the surface of the grain.With the grain slowly eroded surface corrosion pits, the gradual emergence of microcracks between corrosion pits.6N01 aluminum measure calculated critical stress intensity factor of about 5Mpa, the crack growth rate is about 4.5E-3.Within a certain range of thickness aluminum sheet thinner the better resistance to stress corrosion, stress corrosion resistance of aluminum alloy sheet can be better than 5mm and 7mm of 6mm. Aluminum alloy sheet T5 T4 state than the state more resistant to corrosion.
    Keywords  6N01 aluminum   Stress corrosion    KISCC   Three loaded    Crack growth rate
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  高速列车的车体材料    1
    1.2  铝合金概论    2
    1.2.1  变形铝合金的分类    2
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