    关键词: 人工磁导体(AMC) 非周期  寄生贴片  高效率  表面电流密度
    Title   Investigation of non-periodic artificial magnetic conductor structure and its applications in high-performance microstrip patch antenna    
    In this paper, a non-periodic artificial magnetic conductor structure based on parasitic patches is proposed, and employed as the ground plane of a probe-fed patch antenna. Based on stub-loaded artificial magnetic conductor, the dimension and arrangement of AMC structure as well as the size of the ground plane are investigated and discussed. Then the impact on the distribution of surface current density on the AMC plane are analyzed, to achieve the uniform radiation aperture field of the antenna for improving the radiation performance of the AMC-based antenna. Compared with the antenna using the stub-loaded AMC structure as the ground plane, the antenna using the proposed AMC plane can achieve better performance, especially the aperture efficiency. As a result, two antennas with high performance are proposed, which respectively can achieve very high efficiency of over 90% and stable efficiency of over 80% within the operated band. To validate the proposed design strategies, the proposed antennas are fabricated and measured. Good agreement can be observed between the simulated and measured results.
    Keywords    Artificial magnetic conductor (AMC),  Non-periodic,  Parasitic patches,  high efficiency,  surface current density
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2国内外发展现状    1
    1.3论文的主要内容    3
    2  人工磁导体(AMC)结构特性分析    5
    2.1 人工磁导体(AMC)结构介绍    5
    2.2 反射相位计算模型    9
    2.3  影响人工磁导体(AMC)结构反射相位因素的分析与讨论    10
    2.5  本章小结    18
    3基于非周期人工磁导体的高效率微带天线的研究    19
    3.1  非周期人工磁导体(AMC)结构对微带天线性能的影响分析    19
    3.2 高效率的非周期人工磁导体(AMC)微带天线的设计方案    23
    3.3天线的加工测试与结果分析    31
    3.4 本章小结    40
    4 基于非周期人工磁导体的宽带高效率的紧凑型微带天线的研究    41
    4.1 宽带高效率的非周期人工磁导体(AMC)微带天线的设计方案    41
    4.1.1 结构设计    41
    4.2  天线的加工测试与结果分析    45
    4.3 本章小结    51
    结论    52
    致谢    53
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